Chapter 21

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"Thank you Katie, these look amazing" 

Finally I have handed in my three pieces of art. The three pieces that could get my work seen by all sorts of influential people. I was proud of my art, and knew it was worth the four days of no sleep to finish my last two pieces off. I genuinely don't think I had seen the light of day within the last few days, or had any form of human contact. Only Delilah who'd be bringing me food and water. Im also pretty sure I have now watched every single true crime documentary to ever appear on Netflix. Ive always had to listen to stuff while I worked, it just made me concentrate better. 

All I want to do now is shower, because I am covered in paint and also haven't showered in three days. Sorry I know its gross. And sleep. I need sleep more than anything. I'd probably managed to get a total of ten hours of sleep over the last four days. One of the times Dee had to wake me up because I hadn't even made it to my bed. Just fell asleep on my chair with a paint brush in hand. 

Unfortunately I can't do either of those things, because I am stuck doing this stupid favour for Harry. He didn't tell me what the favour was, which wasn't unexpected. Just a text, that wasn't even sent on his phone, he had used Niall's. 


Hi Bird, come to my flat tomorrow about one-ish. 

Well, I am assuming its for the favour, he didn't really specify. But I can't imagine he wants to see me for any other reason. I didn't bother responding or acknowledging  the message, there was no point. I didn't exactly trust Niall to pass on the message, or the right message. So, here I was getting the tube, covered in paint, looking and smelling like shit. Just so I can be Harry's slave. 

I still have no idea what he could possibly want me to do. The only sort of talent I have is painting. And I cannot imagine what he would want me to do with that. So, now I'm back to square one of wondering what sort of afternoon I'm in for. Thankfully there is a direct line from Camden to Soho and I don't have to make any changes. And I'm again even more thankful that Harry's flat isn't a long walk from the tube station. 

I walk up the stairs I had done before, they seemed shorter this time. But last time I'm pretty sure my heart was actually in my arse, where as this time it was in the right place. I was still shitting myself don't get me wrong. But mostly because I had no fucking idea about what he was going to make me do. Sorry, I know I'm repeating myself. But, genuinely what could Harry want me to do. 

I'm finally met with the plain sage green door, that was extremely boring, compared to the other ones on the lower floors. I hesitate for a second before I do knock, but the second I make my presence known, the door flings open. 

There he is. 

Black joggers and a matching black hoodie, he didn't have shoes on just plain white socks. His hair hasn't been done curls showing, but they aren't as prominent as they used to be. Especially on the top of his head, it was all just pushed back obviously by his fingers, because it looked like it hadn't seen a brush. 

"Your here" His voice is slightly horse, and his eyes dark. 

"Yeah well, you asked me too" I screw my face up, baffled that he's somewhat surprised I turned up. 

"You didn't respond" 

"You text me off Niall's phone. I didn't see the need. But, it's nice to know you're keeping track of when I reply to your messages." Shooting him a smile, because I know I've won whatever sort of argument that was. 

"Only one message bird" He turns as he speaks, leaving the door frame now open for me to walk through. 

His flat looked the same as I remembered, a bit messy but extremely nice. Much nicer than mine and Dee's place, on paper that is. His apartment was like a show house, it didn't look like it had been lived in. It wasn't a home. Just a place where he slept and ate. I mean that could just be because he's so busy and had been out of the city over the past year.  

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