Chapter 14

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I ended up skipping uni yesterday, I just didn't feel like walking around London with a massive plaster on my face. But, I think that would have been better that the huge bruise and cut that's appeared, honestly I don't even remember the cut being this big its somehow expanded. Dee said I should get checked, see if I had concussion or needed stitches but I didn't go. It just seemed like a waist of time. I felt fine and it would end up healing, I just needed to keep it clean. 

When I went into class today I was given a couple strange looks, making me wish I had worn a hoodie to cover it up, or put another plaster over it. But I thought it would be best to let 'the air get to it' like my mum always said. Class today was good, I managed to start bringing my butterfly painting to life. I decided on using oil pastel's making the colours easier to blend. We studied oil based products when learning about different artists. 

We had to get the paintings done by mid October, so we could study for the January exams and so the paintings could be judged before Christmas. We would then get until March to write about each of our paintings before taking our final exams in the spring. I knew what different art techniques I wanted just not what I wanted to paint. 

Uni felt like it was over before it had even started, and although I stayed later scribbling possible ideas for paintings I was eventually kicked out when the cleaners came in. I did end up taking my work home so I could carry on throughout the weekend. I wasn't seeing Will until tomorrow now, when we go out for dinner with Dee and Niall. Which I was actually really looking forward to. He had picked for us to go to a French restaurant in covent garden. 

Will had called me when Niall sent over the name of the restaurant to talk about the menu, he said he thought it best for me to get the salad. Which I agreed to. Before he went to work yesterday we ended up doing the weigh in he suggested. I had put on 2lbs, so I needed to work on losing that. I am not even sure how I put on the weigh because I have been eating less than what me and Will had planned out. 

I haven't seen Niall since I ran out on him and Delilah, but he has text. Just to make sure that my head was okay, and if I was okay after seeing Harry. I really appreciated the gesture and obviously replied, I was just happy Niall seemed to want us back in his life. Because I wanted him back in mine. I was hoping we could get Lou back to somehow, he seemed pretty neutral at the concert, but I could tell he didn't hold any bad feelings towards us. 

Delilah had joined me in my room at some point. We didn't even talk she just sat on my bed whilst I drew. We did this often just sat and enjoyed each others company, we didn't have to talk, or interact in anyway. Just be with one another. 

"What are you wearing tomorrow?" She asks over her phone. 

"Probably my black dress, tights, boots and black leather jacket. What about you?" I keep my eyes on my sketch book, whilst replying. 

"Love it, I was thinking about black jeans and my white one-shoulder top." 

"You mean my white top?" I turn to face her with a slight smirk. 

"You never wear it!" She laughs back

I playfully roll my eyes and turn back to my book, leaning back down to my scribbling. 

"What are you working on?" 

"My second piece for class, still waiting for my first one to dry" 

"What do you think you'll do?" She gets up as she speaks, walking towards me. 

"I don't know, I want it to be abstract. Like take different features of different peoples faces and make it one. Each feature being a different art style." 

She peers over my shoulder at my book and smiles. "I love it babe, what's your other piece like?" 

"A butterfly" I shrug 

"Any reason?"


I look up at her and she looks confused. So I elaborate "Butterflies are a symbol of hope Dee" 

"And what are you hopeful for?" 

"That I get into the gallery" I laugh whist closing my book and getting up from my desk. 

She doesn't respond but just smiles at my comment. I get changed into some pyjamas and tie my hair up in a bun. "Do you want to watch a movie?" 

"Yes sounds good, should I get snacks?" 

"Nah I'm all good, you go ahead though" 

She just nods and sits on my bed, pulling open my laptop and loading up Netflix. We opt for '13 going 30', its an easy watch which is just what I needed. I don't think I could concentrate on something new, I just wanted to fall asleep. 

And that I did. 

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