Chapter 26

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Nialls Pov

Katies been gone for about an hour. 

And I know girls can take a while in the bathroom, but not for an hour. Harry started getting fidgety about ten minutes in. And then Dee joined in at the fifteen minute mark. Until I finally suggested looking around when it hit twenty. 

The floor had somehow reached full capacity again, making it near impossible for the tree of us to stick together. I suggested Harry split off by himself, so we could get more ground covered faster. I didn't let Delilah out of sight though, making it clear we had to stick together. 

We crossed paths throughout the hour of searching. Each time Harry getting more and more agitated, when he couldn't see Katie by our side. I actually don't think I have ever seen Harry more stressed out. 

Like ever in my life. 

I keep trying to convince Dee that she probably found someone and is just 'busy with them.' But she is adamant Katie would never do something like that. Especially without letting one of us know. I was inclined to agree, she was never the type so just wonder off. But I was really trying to keep some hope up between us. 

It doesn't help, that I haven't seen any of the other guys durning our search. Somehow all four of them disappearing. Harry mentioned some guy at the bar giving him 'weird vibes' so my next plan was to check there. 

Thankfully the bar itself was pretty empty, with everyone else occupied by the band playing. So, at least we had the open areas of the venue playing to our advantage. The only issue is that Harry hadn't told me what guy, was the weird one. So I had to guess. 

"Hey, have you seen a short girl, light hair. White dress, anytime recently?" 

"Thats pretty vague mate. Any other features?" The tender asks, polishing a glass . 

"Erm. She's called Katie? Hair is curled I guess" It's only just come to me that she has no defining features. No crazy tattoos or piercings. No outrageous outfit to point her out. 

"Katie?" The other worker asks, stopping his colleague. 

"You know her?" 

"Kind of. She was here maybe an hour ago? Bought two drinks and then walked off. Is everything okay?" He seems strangely familiar to her. Like he knows her. But Dee is showing no recognition towards him. 

"We can't find her." Dee speaks. 

"Oh." He lowers his brows and puts the glasses he was holding down. "I can help? She was with some boy before. And he seemed a bit weird" 

"Who" Dee bites "What did he looks like" 

Walking out from the bar, he joins me and Dee on the customer side "Tall, brunette, white t-shirt. Tattoos. She said his name but I can't remember. Henry? Harvey?" 

He's talking about Harry. 

I can't help but laugh at his comment. "Thats Harry. He wouldn't do anything." 

But he doesn't seem impressed. "Well a couple weeks ago I had to stop Harry from hurting her, and he forced her to drink something she didn't want too." 

Well that's bullshit. Harry might be a lot of things, and do a lot of things. But he would never put hands on someone, not unless that deserved it.  And I know for a fact, he would never touch a woman. Especially Picasso. 

"You've got the wrong person" I defend. 

"I don't. She even made up some lie and said the guy at the other bar was some ex boyfriend." 

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