Chapter 15

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"This okay?" I walk into Delilahs room to show her my outfit. I ended up going with a fitted black dress, that stopped at my upper thy. Its long sleeves are covered by my large leather blazer which ended up being longer than the dress. My legs wrapped in sheer dark tights my shins invisible due to my tall leather boots. I opted for a bouncy curls look so I can cover the bruise and cut on my forehead. And I've accessorised with my usual gold jewellery. The only things that weren't black or gold was the tarnished bird that rested around my neck. 

"You look unreal" She turns from her dressing table with her curling iron in hand. Dee had also decided on wearing the outfit we spoke about last night. My white asymmetrical top, and black washed wide-fit jeans. Her auburn hair was loosely curled with the front pedicels tucked tightly behind her ears, showing the array of earrings scattered all over her cartilage. 

"So do you" I give in response. 

Delilah could wear tracks and sweats and still look unreal, she's always managed to look good so effortlessly, her makeup always flawless, hair always falling right. And clothes always sitting as they should. I don't know how she does it, but I envy whatever she has that I don't. 

"When is Will getting here?" 

"He's on his way now, is Niall meeting us there?" I grab one of her lip oils putting it on my lips whist speaking. 

"Yeh he is, he said to meet him inside" Talking while curling the last few strands of her hair. 

I give her a nod and leave the room, waiting for Will to let me know he's here. I grab a small bag and chuck a lipgloss, my keys and ID in. I made sure not to eat today, so I could enjoy dinner and not feel guilty about any hidden calories that may be in the food. Me and Will had spoken about it before and he came up with the idea. The two of us also went for a run this morning, but got into an argument when I couldn't do it in my target time. So he left me at the park to walk home alone. 

I was worried that he wasn't going to come today but I text him to make sure and he said yes. I wasn't sure how fast he would get here and whether he was walking or driving over but I hoped he drove. He gets really weird when he drinks, saying stuff that could get him in serious trouble if said around the wrong people. Dee soon come out, pairing her outfit with a white bag similar to mine. She had white heels on that pointed at the toe. 

"Lets wait outside for Will, we only have twenty minutes until the table is booked and it takes fifteen to walk there" She sighs looking slightly aggravated by Wills lack of time keeping. 

"Yeh sounds good" 

We lock up the flat making sure to keep the small lamp turned on for when we get home later. The two of us make our way down the stairs Delilah's heals clicking on each one. We reach the bottom opening the door to the darkening road outside. Will was already stood outside waiting for us. He seemed slightly underdressed, just wearing blue jeans a t-shirt and trainers. He normally wears trousers and a shirt whenever we go out for food, so I was slightly confused. 

He doesn't say a word to either of us just walks away in the direction of the restaurant. Dee mutters something under her breath and links her arm in mine as we follow. It takes me about five minutes to realise he hasn't drove which again makes me realise he's planning on drinking. The walk there is practically silent Will is at least 6 steps ahead of us the whole time, and me and Delilah only sharing a few passing words about what we might like to eat. 

The three of us walk along the tall white buildings filled with designer stores until we are met with the small restaurant. There are four or five tables outside that sit under a black gazebo, heaters filling the space between each table to keep people warm. Will walks in first and I have to catch up to grab the door behind him, we are met with a host who asks if we have a booking. 

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