Chapter 9

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Harry's pov

"Picasso?" Lou stammers out making me shoot my head in his direction.

The name I never thought I would hear leave his mouth again makes me sick to my stomach. There is absolutely no way its her. No fucking way.

But it is her.


Katie is stood in my green room, with Delilah, both of them looking like they have seen some ghost.

Fuck knows how Niall feels right now, he hasn't shut up about Delilah since we left. There's some boy stood with them, who has a face like a slapped arse. She looks almost the same, expect her hair is much lighter and lost a lot of weight. She also didn't look like she belonged here in her long jeans and top, only flesh showing are her hands, neck and face.

Any sort of buzz from the concert I was feeling, quickly turned into pure anger. I can feel my face dropping by just looking at her. "Why the fuck is she here?" My tone is sharp causing her to take a small step back. 

Why is she here, who does she think she is coming back like this. Everything was going fine, the last 3 years have been some of the best of my life. And now she's going to ruin it, ruin everything I've done.

"Do you know them?" The boy asks. I wasn't even listening when Liam introduced them, he does this every night bringing in some random that he met the night before. Something about the boys face pisses me off, its just punchable.

"N-no, they have the wrong person" Katie manages to peep out, shooting a giving smile to him.

I scoff at her answer. Bullshit.


"Anyone want a drink?" Liam breaks

"Katie will take a diet coke, I'll have a beer" The boy speaks up again

"Sure thing Wayne, Delilah?"

"It's Will" Wayne or Will responds. His face looking even more annoyed than before.

Liam ignores his comment and turns to Delilah asking her again what she wants to drink. I shoot my eyes over to Niall who looks like he could breakdown right here. This is the problem with Niall, he always wears his heart on his sleeve, letting everyone knows what he's thinking just by the look on his face.

Liam ends up handing Wayne a can of whatever beer was in the mini fridge and Katie a diet coke. He pours some clear liquor into a glass and topping it with lemonade passing it to Delilah. The three guests sit on the black leather sofas. 

Wayne and Katie on one and Delilah opposite, they all sit stiff drinks glued to their hands. Well all of them but Will, he sets his arms across the back on the sofa behind Katie's head. His left ankle rests on the top of his right knee and he slouches across the leather.

Zayn and Lou grab some chairs that are stacked in the corner and place them in the space between the sofas. They sit on the two furthest away from us, leaving two chairs open, next to Katie and Delilah. Only the arms of the couches separating us. I

 walk over and sit in the chair directly next to Katie, leaving the chair next to Delilah open for Niall. There is small talk amongst the group about how Liam ran into the girls, most of them being asked by Niall who was clearly trying to figure out if her and Liam had shagged.

Dee avoided all contact visual or verbal between me, Louis and Niall. Only speaking to Liam or Zayn, making it extremely obvious that they did in fact know us and Katie's earlier statement was in fact a lie. 

The Waiting Game || Harry StylesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora