Chapter 7

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3 years later

"How long are you going to be?"

"Five minutes Dee, I just need to grab my jacket" I shout back to her, moving away from my dressing table and grabbing my jacket off the back of my door, and walking out. I am met with Delilah who is wearing a graphic tee that she had cropped herself with a blue denim mini skirt paired with white cowboy boots. Her auburn hair loosely curled framing her face. She wore natural makeup so her freckles still visible.

I wore a short black cargo skirt, an off-the-shoulder cream top with a large leather jacket that reached the end of my skirt. I had my usual white sambas on with dark green accents. She passes me a shot before we cheers and throw the drink back.

We have lived in our little apartment since the beginning of second year. We get it for cheap rent, plus our student loan helps. But to be able afford the extra things, like going out tonight we both got part time jobs. Dee works in a bar on weekday evenings. It suits her schedule well as she mostly has afternoon classes, so can sleep in. 

I managed to get a job in The Tate moderns gift shop. I split my shifts between my lectures, trying to avoid working on the weekends. My parents also help us a lot with money. They pay all our bills, only leaving rent and shopping down to us. I am pretty sure they do this more so for Delilah than me.

"No Will tonight?" Dee's head turning to me while stuffing her keys and some sort of lipgloss in her small black bag.

"No, he's working late just got a big offer" I respond

Will is my boyfriend, we met when he showed us around the our now home. He's two years older than me and has worked his way up in real estate over the last year and a half of being together. He's good for me, taking care of me. Keeps me healthy. Dee isn't his biggest fan, but I think that's just a normal best friend thing. They never like the boyfriend. 

Me and Will have plans to move out once I graduate. He even spoke about finding somewhere close to my apartment now, so I can still be close to Dee. If I had it my way he would just move into the place I'm living in now. Delilah has been panicking about the new living situation, but I have promised her that I won't leave until she either works out money or finds a new roommate. 

Delilah has had a few flings with boys but nothing ever serious. Not since Niall anyway.

It wasn't just Harry we never spoke to again. It was Louis and Niall too. They all just up and left. I tried to reach out but I had been blocked on everything, the same with Dee. His mum started a small police investigation until it was settled that all three of them are alive and safe, they just didn't want anything to do with us anymore. 

I blamed myself for ages for why Harry left, because of what we did at my party. I didn't tell Delilah for months, so scared she would hate me. Until she found me crying in my room and we spoke. She obviously didn't hate me and told me how much of a 'dick' Harry was.

I didn't really speak to anyone for my first year in university, and never made any new friends. I was fine with my one. Dee didn't click with anyone either, she spoke to a few girls on her course and they had joined us for nights out or on her birthday, but that was all. The first year was hard for us both. We had lost the people we loved most, and I don't think our constant moping around really screamed 'be my friend'.

Second year was much better, more fun. We went out every weekend, got our jobs and found our tiny home. We spent Sundays decorating the living space and going to charity shops to find mugs, plates or just really shit decor. I didn't go home once in the second year, I didn't even get asked, so me and dee had a 'bestiemas' and attempted our own Christmas dinner. 

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