Chapter 39 Rising popularity

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There is a lot of changes in the pizzaplex as there is a lot of new products coming in the pizzaplex including some new sponsors as well.The gigantic establishment and never been this popular before so management is enjoying this.Soon there is some news going around establishment, gossip to be more honestly about how Monty is becoming more popular than Bonnie as the rumours were about if the rabbit was going to be replaced like what happened last time.

But management said that there was no way Bonnie was going to be replaced as he was here from the very beginning of Fazbear entertainment.So there is no way that Bonnie was going to be replaced anytime soon because that rabbit has been there since the very beginning ever since the first version of him came into existence and clean the first version of Freddy.

But they were called by a different names back then but now it's not the time for that that is the time to focus on the pizzaplex there is so many new sponsors here for the new establishment. It was incredible to say the least.Not to mention how rival companies are closing down because of the huge success that Fazbear entertainment has been receiving.

Like that burgers and fries restaurant it was called: Candy's burgers, and fries as that restaurant also had animatronics as well.But that restaurant didn't last so long especially after what happened last week, including some other things as well involved in that franchise.So it is a very strange similarity that both franchises have.

But at least Fazbear entertainment is trying to improve and make up fall of the loss that happened in the past. At least this children's entertainment company was trying to make up for everything that had happened.Unlike that other entertainment company that is currently going through some lawsuits after that whole accident.

There is also the fact that Fazbear at entertainment there's also buying out that franchise.To make some changes as well as owning some characters that were once rivals to the franchise.In fact, the lawyers of Fazbear entertainment is being the other restaurant franchise as they were not doing so well, considering all of the lawsuits they were having.

Then there is also the fact that apparently this franchise has also been stealing from Fazbear entertainment for quite some time now.A lot of items that were used in Fazbear entertainment past with right here in this franchise, so it was clear that they've been stealing from the company for quite some time.So it's only fair that this franchise gets what's coming to it and did.

As that franchise is now owned by Fazbear entertainment as all of the assets from the previous owners of the franchise now had no ownership of the entire company.Soon there is nothing left of the previous owners once their franchise has been taken away from them.As for the animatronics used in that franchise they are now repurposed for many reasons but for now there is no new animatronic versions of them at least for a while.

But that the pizzaplex things are still going very well as the popularity continue to grow including the fact that Bonnie has been disappearing from his room at Rockstar Row lately.When the employees decided to talk him about this the bass player simply gave out the same response that he was investigating something important here in this establishment.As there is always the same as when it came to the rabbit as it has something to do with the missing S.T.A.F.F bots as that didn't even make any sense to employees there.

But all of them have come to realize that Bonnie can be quite stubborn at this so there is no way to convince the rabbit to stop this. Also, including what he said, then makes sense about these disappearances. It doesn't make any sense whatsoever.Because the entire S.T.A.F.F bots are well to put it politely basic in the artificial intelligence.

So why would anyone with advanced technological know how to take them since they're that basic.As that is the most polite way to say, for the S.T.A.F.F bots so what exactly would anyone want with them that doesn't make any sense at all.Then there is also the fact that there is also some issues happening with the systems but other than that things are going very well.

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