House of Intruders/House of Proof

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"I saw him outside the door, he was staring right at me!" Patricia cried.

She woke up screaming in the middle of the night and claimed she saw a man outside their room. Everyone in the house was gathered in their room. Victor even had a policeman come and check the place, but they didn't find anything abnormal.

"Do you think she really did see a g-o-s-t?" Amber asked as they walked into the classroom.

Fabian and Max shared an exhausted look.

"No, nothing could get passed Victor." Mick chuckled. "Where do you wanna sit?"

But Amber just rushed over to Nina, completely ignoring him.

Fabian and Max sat down together as Mick went to find a seat. "Hey, do you think we should tell Amber that you' know?" Fabian asked quietly.

"No way. If Amber finds out a girl is bunking with her boyfriend, she'll totally lose it." Max insisted. "Seriously, we're talking trying to get me kicked out of the country."

Fabian sighed. "Look, I know Amber can be a bit...ditzy sometimes, but she really is a sweet girl, if you explain it to her, maybe she'll understand."

Max groaned and laid her head down on the desk.

Mrs. Andrews came and handed them all their French tests back, Max was pleased to see she had a B+

"Not bad." Fabian smiled, showing off his A-. Max shoved him playfully and he chuckled.


Max was sitting on her bed looking through a photo album, it was filled with pictures of her family, but mainly of her older brother. She'd cut herself out of all of them of course, too risky keeping them around.

"What're you looking at? I could really use something else to think about right now." Mick spoke up, getting her attention. He seemed bothered about something, just fiddling with a soccer ball. Fabian was on his bed playing guitar.

Max smiled a little, gesturing for him to come over. He did with a smile. "It's my family." She showed him the pictures. He looked at it with interest. "This is a big one we took at a family reunion thing, and this one is from a few years back. This is William, my older brother." Her family grew fond. "He best friend."

"Was?" Mick questioned, getting Fabian's attention.

Max's smile faded. She shook her head. "Um, this picture is an old one," She changed the subject by grabbing another photo. "He's my uncle, but my family doesn't like to talk about him for some reason."

"Eh, I think most families have that person, the one they're ashamed of." Mick joked.

Max smiled weakly at this.


During the night, the gang was up recording the cylinders in the attic, except Amber started talking which meant they had to start over.

"Okay, Amber the rules are we sit here and don't talk." Max groaned.

They suspected the woman Sarah from the old people's home was actually the Frobisher-Smythe's daughter, and were trying to listen to the cylinders for more clues.

But as they listened, the little girl said somebody murdered her parents, and that sometimes she could see their faces in the mirror.

They decided Nina, Max and Amber would go see Sarah to try and get her to tell them something about when they listened to.


"Sarah, it's us. Nina, and Max." Nina told her gently.

Sarah looked at them with delight. "Have you found it yet?"

House of Chaos ~FemaleOC x Joy Mercer~ (Seasons 1-3)Where stories live. Discover now