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  On the day of Liu Xian and Cheng Yuming's wedding, there was a lot of music and music in the Regent's palace, but not a single guest from the palace came to congratulate them. Everyone would rather choose the former than being disrespectful or flattering someone wrongly and being hated by the public.

  In the Qinlan Garden, Bai Qi sat at the bottom, Liu Xian, dressed in a bright red wedding dress, stood on the left side, and a maid stood on the right side holding Cheng Yu's tablet. After three loud shouts, each person kowtowed to each other to signify the completion of the ceremony.

  Bai Qi stood up and walked to Liu Xian, looking directly into her eyes under the red veil, "Are you happy?"

  "Yiyue." Liu Xian answered resolutely.

  In order to avoid interrupting the joy of the newlyweds, Bai Qi specially wore a plain robe today. Under the swaying red candle, he was even more cool and elegant, as if he would turn into dust and dissipate in the wind at any time.

  Bai Qi's "solitude and loneliness" made the housekeeper and all the servants feel heartbroken. At the same time, they felt even deeper resentment towards Liu Xian, who was "ignorant of good and evil".

  Standing in a corner of the room, Huo Yuan looked at that handsome figure, and his heart skipped a beat as he suddenly thought, 'How can a commoner like Liu Xian be worthy of him?'

  "If you please me, I will be happy." Liu Qian was happy because she married Cheng Yu, Wen Renqian was in pain because of her happiness, and he was happy because Wen Renqian was in pain.

  Bai Qi walked away gracefully, but in the eyes of everyone, his freedom and ease were filled with infinite sentimentality and sadness. The most painful and painful thing in life is that he couldn't get what he asked for.

  Liu Qian stared at Bai Qi's departure and was stunned for a moment. In the past, Wen Renqian was domineering and strong, and he would plunder without regard for the consequences, but now his "tenderness and sweetness" made her very uncomfortable.

  After leaving Qinlan Garden, Bai Qi walked into the Fuzhong Garden. He stumbled suddenly, and his spine that had always been straight and strong suddenly stooped. He held the stone platform with one hand and vomited blood into the lotus pond.

  Bai Qi's face was pale and the veins on the back of his hands protruded, "If you make trouble again in the future, I will repay you a hundredfold on Liu Xian!" '

  Maybe Bai Qi's threat worked, and the noisy "Wen Renqian" suddenly became quiet, but the unwillingness still made Bai Qi very uncomfortable.

  Bai Qi spat blood, looked up and saw Huo Yuan standing a few feet away, staring at him indifferently, and couldn't help but cursed, 'ungrateful little brat'.

  "Come and help me." Bai Qi waved to Huo Yuan and ordered.

  Huo Yuan stepped forward and stretched out a hand. Bai Qi took his hand and stood up, leaning half of his body on him politely.

  'My hands are cold. 'This was Huo Yuan's first feeling, and then his second feeling was, 'He is very weak now. '

  "Go back to Fuya Garden." Bai Qi ordered.

  Huo Yuan lowered his eyes to collect the emotions in his eyes, and responded in a calm tone, "Yes."

  Huo Yuan half-supported and half-supported Bai Qi back to Fuya Garden. After returning to the bedroom, Bai Qi immediately took off his outer robe and lay on the bed wearing only a plain single shirt, with a hint of tiredness on his charming face.

The Ancestor is Reincarnating Again [Quick Travel] ━ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now