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As the morning sunlight filtered through the sheer curtains, casting a warm glow over the room, Celine stirred from her slumber. The soft rays danced upon her skin, bringing her gently back into consciousness. With a contented sigh, she shifted slightly, feeling the comforting weight of Hassan's presence beside her.

A tender smile graced her lips as she remembered he was finally home, his steady heartbeat beneath her head a soothing lullaby that beckoned her to remain in this tranquil moment a while longer.

Her eyes traced the contours of his face, illuminated by the gentle light, and she marveled at the serenity that graced his features in sleep. Each freckle and beauty mark told a story of sun-kissed days and whispered secrets shared beneath the stars. With a delicate touch, she brushed her lips against his cheek, savoring the warmth that radiated from his skin.

Mesmerized by the intricate patterns adorning his face, Celine began to count each freckle, her voice barely above a whisper. "One... two... three..." Her fingers trailed lightly across his skin, a gentle caress that elicited a soft exhale from Hassan.

"Are you really counting them all?" His voice, thick with sleep, cut through the hazy tranquility of the morning, bringing with it a playful tone that mirrored the curve of his lips.

Celine's laughter bubbled forth, a melodic sound that filled the room. "Twenty-three—yes," she replied, her voice tinged with amusement as she continued her gentle exploration. Her finger came to rest on a larger beauty mark on his cheek, a testament to the uniqueness of his character.

Hassan's smile widened, a silent acknowledgment of the affection that enveloped them both. "Feels good," he murmured, his voice a soft rumble that made her weak.

They lay intertwined, lost in a tender moment. Celine's eyes sparkled mischievously as she leaned in closer, her breath mingling with Hassan's as she whispered, "I could count them all day if it meant I could stay like this forever."

Hassan's hand found its way to her cheek, his touch feather-weight against her skin. "I wouldn't mind," he replied, his voice filled with a warmth that mirrored the sunlight streaming through the window.

Their intimate exchange was interrupted by a soft knock on the door, pulling them back to reality. With a reluctant sigh, Celine gently untangled herself from Hassan's embrace and padded across the room to answer it.

"Quién es?" [Who is it?] Celine asked, her voice tinged with curiosity as she reached for the doorknob.

"Cómo es que dormiste hasta tan tarde?" [How come you slept so late?] The voice of Celine's mom could be heard on the other side of the door. Celine jumped, momentarily startled by her mother's unexpected return home. Not only that but she didn't realize how late they had slept in.

"P-Porque tengo una sorpresa para ti," [B-Because I have a surprise for you.] Celine stuttered trying to improvise, waving Hassan over to join her at the door.

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