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In the previous chapter: Now we'll change scene to go to a totally different place in another town. When people enrolled in the trials, they were taken within the facility itself so that meant a lot of citizens were reported missing. The police departments of various cities tried to find these people without success but since the streets were often filled with crime it wasn't hard to assume they simply just died, but four policemen in particular didn't want to give up.


The city of Brookhaven, although not exactly an art city is the top destination for students around the world as it's University is one of the best and the crime rate is quite low, making it a a safer bet than other places such as Robloxia. But just because of its chill demeanor, it doesn't mean that this city doesn't need a police department. Even though there are only four cops, Rick, Souls, Dylan and Noto are all very dedicated to keeping Brookhaven a safe place for everyone.

"Alright, so which movie do you want to watch?" asked Souls

"Hm, I was thinking about Doomspires" answered Dylan

"Doomspires? You mean that old war movie about towers?" replied Noto while eating chips

"It's more than that"

"Well, we could watch an horror movie" suggested Souls, she flipped through the movies

"Hungry pig, Field trip, Space story... they sound like cheesy films" Dylan commented

"I've heard Jigsaw's revenge was a good one" said Toto

"Nah, that's pay to watch on Ro-Flicks, and what if we end up not liking it" replied Souls, then without warning Rick entered the room

"Guys, what are you doing here?" he asked

"Looking for a movie to watch. Come on man, it's almost closure time" she said

"Yes I know but the investigation is still ongoing".

Someone rang the bell at the table, Rick and the rest of the cops went to see who could need their help,

"Good evening, are you the Brookhaven PD?" the guy who just entered asked

"Yes, we are. What's your problem?" replied Rick

"I'm a scientist at IRASS, my name's Lia and I've come here to get some informations on the multiple disappearances that have been occurring everywhere. Many of my coworkers have been going missing, and even my boss I've noticed"

"You mean Space?" asks Noto

"Yes, our company has a new one by now but it's not the same without him. Not a lot of police officers want to shine a light on this problem, and I don't even know why" Lia added

"Almost half the population thinks that the police system is corrupt or lazy but we've been trying our best to find these missing citizens..." said Souls and then continued "... It all began, in this city at least, when the principal of the Brookhaven University declared that many of the students there have stopped coming to school and when we investigated in their homes there was just no trace of them"

Dylan picked up a folder full of various papers and up them down on the counter "Then as we searched for them new missing reports came to our knowledge, including those of very famous people; popular YouTubers like Leah Ashe and Funneh, film director CoxoSparkle, Maple hospital director Blab, animal rights activist Imagine, and even people who could be considered the richest robloxians in the world".

"Now it's a world wide affair, but not all cops are willing to dive deep into this mystery..." concluded Rick

"I can help!" suggested Lia

"Uh, are you sure? You have your own job so what will you say to your new boss?" asked Noto

"I will tell him that I'm searching for Space, I bet he misses him too"

"Okay, you can join us. But at one condition..." said Rick "...you'll have to sleep on the couch"

"Aha, that's fine with me!" "Great! Welcome to the team".


The sun has risen over the trials facility, the intercom played an alarm telling everyone to wake up.

"Uh...uh?" Spork opened her eyes, to her surprise she was on her bed, she felt around herself and realised she was still alive

"What?" she asked herself, the last thing she saw until then was a large saw tearing through her body.

"Was that... just a dream? It couldn't have been, surely but how am I still here then?"

"Everyone, get ready and head to the cafeteria for breakfast" said the intercom.

A few minutes later, every mediator was sitting on a table at the cafeteria, Spork was with Jessica, Bobi and Liz

"Good morning guys. Hm, are you okay Spork?" asked Liz

"I don't know. I think I died yesterday but..." she suddenly stopped as a particular though went through her mind, her friends didn't say anything

"... Nevermind! It was just a dream, nothing to worry about" she resumed.

Later, the food had arrived

"Chocolate cake? Wow, they never give this to us" remarked Bobi

"Yeah, the chefs were kind to us today" added Liz

Spork put a piece of the cake in her mouth but as she chewed she couldn't help but notice that the taste was slightly metallic.

"That was so good!" exclaimed Jessica after she had finished the food

"It was...ok" the blonde girl said, they knew that she was acting weird today but decided not to talk about it

"Well, I'm going to go to my dorm. Cya guys"

As she walked through the facility, she saw a mediator that looked quite familiar to her, he turned and looked at her

"Hello" he greeted

"Wait, that's the mediator that shot Milkshake!" Spork thought and said "Hello there"

"Wait a second... We met eachother yesterday" the mediator said and walked to her

"I'm Vaock" "Spork, nice meeting you I guess" they shook hands

"Well, I'm in a bit of an hurry. We can talk later, if you'd like. Bye!" and with that she raced off to the dorm block.


Meanwhile, at the police department

"So, do you have any clues on where these people could have gone?" Rick asked Lia from across a table

"How would I know? I thought you'd know better" he replied

"Uh, Rick? I think this is kind of useless" whispered Souls, he sighed

"I suggest instead we go investigate outside instead of sitting her and asking me questions of which I don't know the answer"

"Alright Lia, but where should we go exactly?" Rick asked

"I don't know, through the neighborhood?"

"We can interrogate more people about the situation" added Dylan

"That's a good idea considering we don't have many testimonies" replied the cop and so the team went outside to search for people to speak to, then as they got out the car they was a woman running towards them.

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