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In the previous chapter: "Adjustments? How is stitching my tongue an adjustment?" Spork asked her

"Don't you remember when you got sawn?... I had to stich you back together" and she grinned

"Sawn? Don't tell me..." the blonde pulled the patient dress up and started to scratch herself anxiously

"They're hidden under several layers of skin"

"You- You can't do this!", she stopped and let go of the fabric

"ᴜʜ ᴏʜ".

Love walked towards Spork saying:

"I'm sorry, but there are things you were never meant to know..."


"Now you even do experiments to people?!" shouted Spork

"You don't understand! I gave you a second chance at becoming a better employee, and now you are disrespecting me like this... It's impossible to believe this", the desire then pulled out some sort of needle-gun

"I may just have to kill you myself then" she said.

Feeling scared and threatened Spork looked around, she found a small knife so she picked it up

"𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝓌𝑜𝓃'𝓉 𝒽𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝒶 𝓈𝒽𝑜𝓉 𝒶𝓉 𝓀𝒾𝓁𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒽𝑒𝓇 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉" said the fancy voice

"Better than begin unarmed" thought Spork, at that moment Love struck trying to get the needle under the other girl's skin who fortunately blocked the attack with the weapon she just found. Love tried again just for Spork to either block or dodge her attacks,

"ʏᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ᴅᴏɪɴɢ ᴀᴍᴀᴢɪɴɢ! ɴᴏᴡ ᴛʀʏ ᴛᴏ ꜱᴛᴀʙ ʜᴇʀ"

and so when she had spotted an opening she jabbed her arm forward, the surgical knife hit its target successfully.

Purple blood began to spill out of the wound which was located on the chest, Spork took the knife out and just like that ran away while Love fell down on the ground.

"Gah..." the scientist gasped, she knew the situation was hopeless, she turned around and Spork was already gone

"You're- You're clueless girl... You don't know... desires can't die..."


In the meantime, mediators were waiting in a room; it was another cleaning operation.

"Where is Spork?" asked Liz in a whisper

"I don't know" replied Vaock, they both turned their heads towards each other

"I wonder if she has recovered yet", she was hopeful in her tone but she knew that there was a fat chance that her friend may have not survived the ordeal.

Silence lingered over until Status arrived in the room and spoke

"Everyone, it seems as we have had a little... inconvenience regarding Spork so she won't be able to come. You may proceed without her",

after that the mediators picked up the cleaning tools and went on cleaning phase 2.

"It's been a while since I've seen phase 2" said Xhc

"I know" added Liz, the employees were walking on a boardwalk, it was the room where the red heart blue heart trial took place, there wasn't any cleaning needed in this part though as the acid inside the pool dissolved any body in less than 24 hours.

"We should spilt up" said Eye as they walked on towards a tunnel that spit into many paths

"I will go with Jade" said Vaock before hurrying off with another mediator towards the first room on the right

"Me and Jessica will go there" said Bobi, and so on.

Liz ended up begin with Xhc, they walked into the next room and saw two dead participants laying on the floor; one had brown hair and a blue and red cap while the other seemed to be a guest.

the girl got up close to them, carefully avoiding the electric wires "It's kinda sad" she said

her cleaning partner scoffed "Not really. They probably just had bad cooperation skills".

The two mediators picked up the bodies and brought them back before continuing on, when they got inside the rusty elevator there were once again two bodies; those two belonged instead to two females, one of whom had dyed her bangs pink. The mediators brought the dead bodies back and continued with their duties.

The next room had two valves on the opposite sides of the room, two bodies laid next to each of the valves; they were both burned down so it was hard to tell who they were exactly. Some time later all the mediators met in the room after the valves one; a large corridor that took to the chicken race trial.

"Hey there" said Eye

"So, how was cleaning so far?" asked Xhc

"Eh, as usual..." began Jade, rolling her eyes

"When you've been cleaning bodies for a long time, you get used to it eventually" admitted Vaock.

The mediators continued into the barn like room; cleaning her was much harder as not only you had to take the bodies off the chicken mobiles but also drive them to the starting place. The workers went to check in every car

"Hm, where are the losers?" asked Xhc, "I dunno, they're not in orange, red, green-"

"Here! In the blue one!" shouted Jessica, cutting off Liz

"You take care of the bodies, me and Liz will drive a chicken mobile back!" stated the white haired boy.

The bodies were contorted, the execution in this trial was breaking of the femur, Bobi unleashed the straps and took out the body of a male participant with blue hair while Jessica picked up the other who had blonde hair and a pink beret. The bodies were disposed into two secret hatches that were actually tubes to send the bodied back.

Time went on and all the bodies were cleaned off, and phase 2 was ready for another wave of participants. After dinner Liz, Bobi and Jessica were still worried about Spork as they haven't seen her yet

"Well, I am tiered guys so I'll go to sleep. Goodnight" "Alright Liz, see you tomorrow", and Liz went on her separate way to her dorm

"I guess we should go to sleep too, cleaning is very exhausting" said Jessica.

When the two mediators approached the doors to their dorm they saw an unexpected sight; a short girl with black hair pulled back in a ponytail and black wings wearing a dress, she was standing in front of Spork's door

"Hello?" said Jessica hesitant, the stranger turned

"Hello guys. Are you two workers here?"

"Yes we are. Are you new perhaps?" said Bobi

"Yes, me and my friend Michael just arrived and they assigned me this dorm" she replied,

suddenly the mediator's faces darkened, as a realization came to them...

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