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[Hello guys, this is a point where I have to tell you this fanfic contains OC X canon ships, don't worry I won't go overboard and try to focus on the actual story. Just please don't go hate on me, I know some people may not like this decision, but it's my story and these are my ideas okay?]

In the previous chapter: "Alright Lia, but where should we go exactly?" Rick asked

"I don't know, through the neighborhood?"

"We can interrogate more people about the situation" added Dylan

"That's a good idea considering we don't have many testimonies" replied the cop and so the team went outside to search for people to speak to, then as they got out the car they was a woman running towards them.


"It's you!" she exclaimed

"Hello?" Noto said

"You must be the police department of Brookhaven, right?"

"Yes we are, do you need our help?" asked Rick

"Yes, please. My name is Emily and I wanted to know if there were any news on my son" the woman replied

"Is he one of the missing people?" Noto asks

"Yes, his name is Noel; a bit short, brown hair-"

"He's one of the Brookhaven University students!" Rick exclaimed

"Exactly! I'm so worried about him, I know some police officers believe some of these missing people could just have been killed but I can't imagine my son begin dead" Emily explained, shading a tear from her eye

"We understand, and we'll try our best to get to the bottom of this..." said Lia, but then he noticed something strange about the woman

"...Wait, what happened to your hand?"

"You mean, this?" Emily raises her right arm, the hand was cut off "When I was still young, me and some of my friends went exploring a forest and we stumbled upon a strange building..."

"That's interesting" remarked Souls

"...we went inside and other people were also there. Then we were all taken to a serie of games"

"Can you remember anything else?" asked Dylan while taking notes on a notebook

"No, other than the fact that I escaped... and that costed me my hand".


Back to the facility, Spork was called to do some tasks as usual. She walked out of her dorm and the other mediators told her to follow them, one of them begin Xhc.

"Where to exactly?" she asked

"To the belongings keep..." he replied, she had never heard of that place before

"... It's where we store what the participants had before we put them in the hold section"

Spork didn't know what was going on, but she did what she was told anyways. The mediators entered an huge room, there were boxes all around, they just needed to check if everything was alright

"Seems easy, right?" she thought to herself and started looking inside the boxes, there were many things the staff has confiscated through; from clothes to bags to jewelry. Then she saw a box containing phones, she picked up one of them and it looked a lot like the Zphone the mediators have

"Maybe I can sneak this inside my dorm and charge it, the model looks the same" she said to herself, could this be her ticket to freedom?

"Spork, what are you doing there?" asks Xhc suddenly, she put the phone away in her pocket

"I was just checking if the phones were okay" she replied

"Okay, just be careful and don't break anything".

Later, Spork went inside her dorm, she picked up the charger and plugged it into the phone she had picked up, then into the power plug. It charged which was surprising; you'd expect the Zphone would be an unique device with design unlike any other phone. The mediator looked at the contacts, there were many of them

"This phone surely belongs to a participant, just got to figure out who" she thought to herself when the phone started ringing from her hands

"Well that was unexpected", she picked up and placed the device close to her ear.

"Viva! Is that you?!" the caller said

"Me? No, I'm Spork" she replied

"Do you... have her phone?" he asked


"Then please, tell me what happened to her"

Spork didn't knew how to reply, this time she knew that she had to be more careful with what she says and does.

"I don't even know who she is" she said

"Well, I don't even know who you are Spork"

"Can you tell me what she looks like so I can look for her?" she then asked

He said "She has big eyes and round glasses, a wolf cut that arrives at the shoulders, oh and she's quite skinny too"

"That should be enough, I'll try see if I can find her" Spork smiled

"Thank you young lady, she is very special to me so I hope you can find her".

From a screen room, Status was watching and hearing the whole scene, the upper class mediator that revived Spork was there too drinking some coffee

"Hm, that's interesting" the purple haired girl remarked

"What's interesting, Love?" asked Status

"She had a phonecall with someone who asked her to look for somebody"

"I know, but it might have just been another mediator" she said

"Well, why would a random mediator just ask someone to search for somebody?"

"They might have been an upper class".

Love giggled, "There's something suspicious about that, I sensed... heartbreak when she had had that call"

"Impossible! How can you sense heartbreak from a simple phone call?" she asked in disbelief

"It's hard to explain but, I was able to see the caller through the screen... His heart was already broken, but then a spark of hope lit inside it" Love explained

"I know sometimes you sound like you don't make any sense girl, but this time what you're saying is downright crazy!" exclaimed Status

"I'm not crazy, I'm just smart beyond human comprehension"

The other upper class just scoffed, "Okay, if you think there's something suspicious going on I order you to search for proofs!"

" 'Order'? Are you Zelnus?" she raised an eyebrow

"No, but you get the point".

Spork left he room, holding a piece of paper she knocked on Jessica's door

"Hello?" she asked

"It's me. Can I come in for a minute?"

"Sure" the brunette said and opened the door. Spork showed her the paper; there was a crude drawing of a girl on it

"Nice drawing!" Jessica complimented

"It's not that, I'm looking for a participant that looks like this"

"Oh, that's Viva"

"I know..." she sighed "...I wanted to go to the hold section to see her but I don't think I can go there without permission"

"Just ask an upper class!" she suggested

"But what do I say to them?"

"That another upper class mediator has tasked you to go look for her".

Spork thought about that for a moment

"Actually that's a good idea, what time is it now?"

"11:50. It will be lunchtime soon" replied Jessica

"I guess I could hurry. See you" and with that she left.

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