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In the previous chapter: "She's right. The only robloxian who could ever break in the facility and free everyone out is Death..." explained Drak

"Death?" asked Ari curiously

"Death, the empress of the Sanctuary, she rules over every evil soul, devil and demon; if there is someone who'll be able this trials ordeal it would be her"

"Fair enough, but I don't think she would want to end it in the first place. You see, the trials kill people, and death is what pleases her so of course she wouldn't want to let us out" added Viva.

"Okay then let's just call that demon and see what happens" suggested Ari

"Alright. Here goes nothing" Viva tapped on the phone app and called him.


"I'd never thought that we would have a chat with a demon in here" laughed Ari while the phone was ringing

"You're right, you still have to conquer your fears Ari" said Drak

"It's not that I am scared, I have only heard stories and from what I know they can be scary!"

when the call began, Viva tapped the speakerphone button


"Viva?!" the caller asked without belief

"Yes, it's me! I missed you so much"

"Me too. I was so worried, I thought I'd never see -I guess hear in this case- you again!"

"By the way, these are my friends, say hi to Ari and Drak"

"Hellaur!" "Hi!" they exclaimed respectively

"Hello, my name is Medkit, as you probably have read"

"So-" Viva said just to be interrupted by Drak "Wait Viva, put videocall on I wanna see what he looks like"

"Yes; his profile pic is just a letter" added Ari.

Viva tapped on the videocall icon and flipped the phone so it would be horizontal, Drak and Ari closed in trying to fit their face on the screen

"Show yourself man"

"...Wait, he doesn't actually look like Rush from Doors?!" Ari said when she saw his face for the first time

"You watch too many horror movies..."

"Yeah" Ari said and laughed a little "Wait Medkit, what do you like to do in your free time?" asked Drak

"Work" "What? You don't have any hobbies? I like to play videogames for example"

"Where do you work? I work at a tea shop in-"

while Ari was speaking Blab walked in on the group.

"There you are guys, I've been looking for you all over the place!" she exclaims

Viva turns around, flipping her phone and saying "Blab, meet my boyfriend Medkit"

the ginger girl felt very perplexed "I don't know what's more shocking: you having a phone, your boyfriend being a demon or the fact that you have a boyfriend in the first place"

"Do you think there's anything wrong with losing your virginity to a guy from-"

"No! I... just think it's weird. Also how did you get the phone?" asked Blab

"A mediator gave it to me" Viva replied

"A mediator?"

"Yeah, now back to what I wanted to tell you..." continued Viva turning the phone back to face her

Trials and terror [The trials fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now