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In the previous chapter: "Oh, it's 4:30 AM! I need to go back to the castle. Bye-" she was about to leave when the guy stopped her, she turned back to face him

"Wait! Thank you, weird pixie. I will follow your advice and then tell you how it went if we will see each other again. Oh, my name is Medkit by the way".

[Flashback ends]

"I remember you!" Love shouted

"Yes... you helped me confess to Viva. I never would have thought someone like you would be the one in charge of this..."

"No! I'm not in charge! It's Zelnus. I'm just helping him *sob*".

In the meantime Zelnus was in his office, he wore a bracelet with 5 lights on, all of different colors but in this moment the purple light was beeping

"It has happened again" he thought while getting up of his seat.


He got out of his office and saw his assistant, the overseer, in the corridor

"Hello-" she said, but the trial master decided to ignore her completely and move on, the mediators who saw him grew worried quickly; Zelnus rarely got out of his office and he only does if something grave has happened. He arrived at the elevator where upper classes were standing there

"Whoa, it's the trial master!" one of them said

 "Er, good afternoon sir. Do you need to go down?" the other asked, Zelnus nodded to that

"Get in then", then when the elevator took off the two guards turned to face eachother

"Man, I can't believe the trial master needed to go down to the hold section. I wonder what happened there!"

"Same here. To be honest, it could have been anything" the other upper class replied

"Yeah, let's get ready if he calls us there".


Outside the facility, the Brookheaven PD was getting out of their car on their way to inspect the building

"Yes, that is definitely the place!" exclaimed Emily, they walked towards the entrance

"It's open, how odd" commented Rick

"Look guys" said Noto, he was in front of a poster that was right next to the entrance; it depicted a guy wearing a mask and overalls

"Trial master... if this facility's the reason behind all of this, then this looks like our robloxian" murmured Souls.

The group decided to enter the building, and saw the TV telling them to enroll

"What are we supposed to enroll for?" asked Dylan, turning back to the rest

"Don't go in! That's how you enter the game" replied Emily

"Oh" sighed Rick, and he turned to his left to see another room "Maybe we can there"

"Read the sign" said Souls, indeed the TV above the entrance to that room read: YOU MUST BE PART OF ZELZ TO GAIN ACCESS.

"So..." commenced Dylan "This is as far as we can go"

"Not exactly" replied Rick, he picked a small device from one of his pockets "One of us is going to wear this mini-camera and the rest will watch from my tablet"

then everyone turned to face Lia, "Excuse me?" he said "Why me?"

"Well, sorry but you are...uh, the least unimportant person here" Rick responded

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