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In the previous chapter: When the two mediators approached the doors to their dorm they saw an unexpected sight; a short girl with black hair pulled back in a ponytail and black wings wearing a dress, she was standing in front of Spork's door

"Hello?" said Jessica hesitant, the stranger turned

"Hello guys. Are you two workers here?"

"Yes we are. Are you new perhaps?" said Bobi

"Yes, me and my friend Michael just arrived and they assigned me this dorm" she replied,

suddenly the mediator's faces darkened, as a realization came to them...


And yes, it was indeed this way: Spork had died.

When she "killed" Love, and tried to escape the guards got an hold of her and a bullet to the heart did the job. At that time, a mysterious figure came and ripped the soul apart from the body to take it to the Purgatory. Soon Spork woke up, it was her soul alone but an illusion was created to make the soul feel exactly like you were in your own body, the first thing she saw was light, a lot of light, the ground felt like it was made out of clouds.

She got up and wondered where she could have been, "Maybe I had really died this time..." she said to herself,

walking forward she was then greeted by a tall man, his skin was white and he had black horns but he didn't quite look like a demon as a white shiny halo floated over his head and big wings -one white the other black- sprouted from his back... is this what you call an archangel?

"Welcome" he said in a surprisingly calm tone

"Where am I? Who are you?" Spork asked, a bit scared

"You're in the Purgatory" he replied

"Purgatory?! Does that mean I'm-"

"Dead?", he paused a few seconds "Of course you are dead. But there's no need to be afraid"

tears started to form on from the ex-mediator's eyes, "What do you mean? I died, of course I'm afraid. What will happen to me now?"

"Follow me".

And so Spork followed this stranger to a room, it had many chairs and looked like an office's waiting room, the archangel gave the girl a number

"Just wait for your turn" he said

"Okay, I guess", Spork had no idea what was supposed to happen, she had heard that when you die you had to be judged for your actions to see if you belong in Heaven or Hell, but she didn't quite believe it... yet. She sat down on a chair and waited, there was no sound in the room other than the clock ticking and people taking in whispers.

Soon, the girl got bored so she picked up a newspaper she has seen on a coffee table beside her; and read the front article:

Castle affairs - 9th of January 20##

It seems as something is going on at the caste in the Kingdom of Heaven, the King hasn't come out for a long time and so have the desires and members of the King's Harem. It is unknown what is going on inside these walls: any person who tried to get in just didn't succeed. We're deeply hoping our King is alright and that things will start to return to normal soon.

- Article by Athena

Strange robloxian found around our city - 12th of January 20##

Passersby have noticed a wired non-demon robloxian roaming our town on Earth. They said they asked them question that had to do with the history of our town and specie. I have arranged a meeting with them today at 21 PM, I am aware that suspicious people should not be let in but I'll be sure to call for reinforcement if it turns out they're up to no good.

- Article by Crossbow"

Spork was weirdly fascinated and confused by these articles, she hasn't heard of any of these places -or people- before, she continued cycling through newspapers and magazines... there was certainly a lot of time to kill there.


Back to the participants (a few weeks later), they were in the hall as usual but something that could be defined as strange was how they were avoiding each other. Surely the lack of attention from the mediators was starting to tear them down somehow, especially Drak who was always afraid he might eat the flesh off another undeserving victim. He was sitting in a corner, next to him there was another participant who was somehow not fearful of the boy,

"I have an idea" she said

"What is it Imagine?"

"I was thinking, if I used my powers to steal some food from the kitchen?", her proposal was met with silence.

Imagine then continued "You know, the facility seems to have some sort of aura that stops, or at the very least greatly reduces demon and angel power... Since I am a ghost, tho, I may be able to use my powers just fine"

"I don't know about that..." replied Drak "...I'm pretty sure the trial master knows about ghosts as well. We haven't seen any ghost attempt to use their powers yet, but that doesn't mean the facility isn't ghost power-proof"

"You're right, I should attempt at night".

After that the elevator doors opened, two unnamed mediators got out, dropped a box on the ground and immediately left, a participant ran to it and opened it

"WATER!!" they screamed, at that second the rest of the people fought their way to get one bottle to drink; they were pushing, slapping and kicking each other out of the way, in particular Cyg that was a late arrival who got punched and fell down.

"Shit!" he muttered to himself, not having enough strength to fight back but suddenly a bottle was thrown at him, he caught it and looked for whoever did it

"Oh my God! Cyg are you okay?" Lia rose up from the crowd with his own water bottle, checking on the shopkeeper to see how harsh he had been hit

"Whoa Lia, did you throw the bottle?" he said before he took a sip

"Yeah, I saw you got hit-"

"It's okay really. Follow me to the shop, I've got something to show you".

The two walked to Cyg's shop, the brown haired boy looked over the table just to find out something...

"The key!" he exclaimed

"...It's missing" added Lia, and indeed it was

"Someone must have stolen it" Cyg said, and the boys agreed to search together for the key.

In the meantime, the Brookhaven PD had the information that they needed about the facility and were going to do something about this madness.

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