Chapter 18

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Warning⚠️: Extreme fluff ahead! Read with caution!
And a big surprise is up ahead!! Prepare yourselves with some tissues lovelies❤️

A month flew by and as time passes, Jin was making great progress in his healing journey. With the love and support he had been given and surrounded with, everyone could see the changes in his life and they're all very proud of him and his determination to start a new journey.

The first major and very noticeable difference was how healthy and physically fit he looked. Before, he was very skinny- just skin and bones, his eyes looked weak and sunken and his face was always pale; but now, he had gained some healthy weight and his face had a glow to it that made him look more beautiful and even more ethereal. His cheeks were also getting chubbier and more plump. At first, he had been insecure about his weight but Namjoon made sure to tell him how beautiful he looked, even squishing his cheeks gently and telling him he looks like a cute hamster. So there goes his insecurity flying away with every kind word the elder uttered and every forehead kiss he recieved. Jungkook, Yoongi and Hoseok also praised his new look, telling him he looked so much better and happier and encouraging him to continue living his best life.

Another major change was seen in his interactions with his colleagues. Sure, he had always been kind and gentle, always smiling at work and giving his best but he had never been close with anyone- he would just keep to himself most of the time and wouldn't really share anything much about his life. But now, he's been more open and he even had the courage to finally tell them a little bit about his past like how he had been abused by his aunt and uncle and a little bit about the abuse he'd gone through with the psycho (just the physical abuse though, since he was ashamed of telling them about all the sexual abuse he'd also been put through).

His co-workers, well now they're more of his friends, had all been so furious with how their sweet friend had been treated but they congratulated him for being brave and strong enough to get away and starting a new life. And what Jin appreciated the most about them was how they never pitied him or treated him differently because of his past, but instead they admired his fighting spirit- encouraging and supporting him in his journey.

Then there was a change and boost in his self confidence. Before he would never dare to hold eye contact with anyone, always feeling like he didn't deserve to do so because of how dirty and filthy he thought he was and he would never start conversations or express what he's feeling. Now though he can easily look anyone in the eye and start a conversation without any fear. "You are not lesser than or inferior to anyone Lee Seokjin, you are kind, beautiful, smart and a man whose value is so much more than diamonds and gold, or what anyone has told you before. So don't look down on yourself baby, you're amazing so own it," Namjoon had told him one day when he had been noticing that the younger never tried holding eye contact with anyone. When he had asked Jin the reason for his behavior, the florist had told him that he wasn't good enough. So of course the elder had to tell him just how amazing he is. Now, Jin is confident in who he is and he's starting to love himself little by little.

The best change however was how close he's gotten to Namjoon. He had always trusted the elder since day one but these days that trust has just grown deeper and since he'd acknowledged that yes, he likes Namjoon a lot (more like love but we'll take it) he is taking initiatives to get to know him more and to be more open with him. For instance, now, whenever Namjoon would leave for work or when they part ways at the flowershop, Jin would always peck the elder's cheeks everytime without fail. He has also started holding the elder's hand out in public without fear or shame because the professor enjoyed it, he wasn't like the psycho who'd often act as if they don't know each other in public because he was worried people might say he's gay or in love with a man. Jin had always been insecure because of that behavior since his aunt and uncle had also tortured him for being able to conceive and he would feel ashamed of himself but once he's with Namjoon he realised that there wasn't a need to feel insecure or ashamed about himself. He's perfect the way he is.

I live, so I love: A NamJin StoryWhere stories live. Discover now