Chapter 9

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(Never Be alone-S.M)

*2 months later*
"Come on Bailey..We've got to go The bus is leaving soon." I turn to both Bree and Blake smiling.
"I'm ready gosh." they both laugh and grab the room key.
"Yay, now move peasants." I bark out a laugh and grab my phone following the girls down to the bus.
"Ms Harper, do you have a jumper?" I nod and point to my bag. The teacher nods and allows us to climb on the bus.
"This is going to be a great day." I chuckle and sit next to Bree.
"Girls! Please listen up. First we're going to a small concert and than getting lunch." We all let out a cheer.

"It's such a pretty place, How did the teachers afford a private concert?" Blake and I chuckle,
"Um maybe all of our money put together." Bree nods and mumbles an 'oh..' We all rush to the gates the teachers trying to gather us all.
"I hope he's cute."
"The teachers said that he was new to the hole music industry but he's amazing apparently." My eyes scan the tiny arena, a gasp falls from my lips as two people grab my arms and pull me towards the front seats.
"Okay girls, please listen. So this is a new music artist, I don't think that any of you have ever heard of him due to the fact we're in Australia and he's from somewhere in America." we all nod and the teachers pull the curtains open. My knees become weak and my eyes begin to water. I go to speak but nothing comes out.
"Hey everyone, My names Shawn Mendes. I got sent here from my school to perform. I'll be singing never be alone." A hand goes up.
"Why that song name?" Shawn sighs. He's skinner, his skin is slightly pale and he no longer holds the beautiful sparkle in his eyes.
"My best friend, my other half got sent away to Australia... we never stopped talking until about a month ago..It shattered my heart." I choke out a quiet dry sob praying that no one heard.

**performs never be alone**

Everyone's screaming as tears rush down my cheeks Bree and Blake giving me the weirdest look.
"Why are you crying?" I shake my head and wipe my eyes.
"I loved him so much. H-He..." I fall to my knees and just cry. Shawn walked off stage only moments ago. How did he not realise me? Wait, that was a stupid question, I'm extremely skinny, rarely eat, constant bags under my eyes due to crying every night, I'm weak and no longer hold any sparkle.
I stand and run the teachers yelling for me to come back.
"SHAWN! SHAWN!" I poke my head into every door and stop dead in my tracks when I see him pressing a girl against the wall. That girl being Jodie...

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