Chapter 12

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(Let it go-J.B)

"He looked so beat up Bailey.." Bree whispers as we enter my house after shopping. I really have to get a job since I graduated yesterday.
"I know. He was so skinny and pale.." I mumble placing the bags down. Mum and Dad gave us the house for the week since they're both away on business trips.
"So are you Bailey, it's not healthy. You cut for crying out loud." Blake says placing her bags beside mine.
"Blake that was one time."
"I know, but your heart broken. the only thing he deserves to be upset over is the fact that he let you walk away."
"Bailey, you've got to see what's going on with him. It's not healthy for either of you." Bree says opening the bag of chips and sitting on the couch. I flip down beside her and sigh, running a hand through my hair.
"Or you can just let him suffer." Blake hisses anger clearly firm in her voice.
"Blake stop being a cold hearted bitch. Bailey and Shawn love each other and clearly it's tearing them both apart."

I lay curled up in my bed, tears rolling down my cheeks as I shove my face into my feather pillow trying to muffle my cries so neither of the girls can hear me cry.
"Bailey...Bailey.." I roll to my side to see Blake sitting up and crawling over Bree towards me.

*****Next Day*****

"Shopping!" Blake squeals running down the stairs. I sigh and grab my phone and wallet from the bench,
"Let's go."

We enter the shopping centre our eyes scanning to see which shop to go to first.
"Woah, America is so much bigger than Australia." I chuckle and we walk through the first shop. Forever 21,
"It really is as amazing as people say." Bree gasps causing me to laugh harder.
"Um, Bailey..." I raise my eyebrow and hum a yeah turning to Blake to see her pointing. I turn to see Shawn walking towards us. Suddenly I feel a build up of rage and stomp towards him,
"I though you said you couldn't live without me!?" I yell shocking him.
"I thought you said I wasn't a piece of you anymore?" He hisses sarcastically. I growl and slap him across the face. His jaw clenched and I can see both Bree and Blake extremely shocked.
"Your a fucking dick." I spit, he chuckles,
"Let it go Bailey. You be you and I'll be me. We aren't meant to be together." I feel my heart shatter, it's as if everyone is quiet and staring at us. I watch in mock horror as he turns and simply walks away.

**Shawn's P.O.V**
Forgive me Bailey..Thats all I ask.

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