Season 1:

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When a Downworlder and a Shadowhunter cross paths, and their entire worlds shift. 

"I need something, I felt a shift."

"Jocelyn is missing." 

"What's up?" 

"I need you to tell me everything you know about the Banes."

"So how do we find them?" 

"We don't. Magnus finds us. We'll set up the meeting, somewhere protected. Somewhere they both go. Lure him out of hiding. Just unsure that she'll show?" 

"Well they're married right? She won't leave him alone." 

"Never underestimate Magnus' hedonism or his greed and Nolia's need to protect. Come with me."

"My husband? Who's my husband?" 

"Magnus Bane." 

The girl rolled her eyes before turning her body.

"Dad, your shadow hunters are here." 

"I'm Magnolia, but you can call me Lia. I don't think we've formally met." 


"I don't like her." Izzy said
"You need to be a little more specific babe." Magnolia replied

"Magnolia Bane, but you can call me Lia." 

"Alec Lightwood."

"I have a date."


"Honestly, I thought you were better than this."

"Don't. You don't get to say that.-"

"Hey Lia, you know you're my best friend right?" 

"And you are mine."

"Don't give up so easily, Maggie."

"Oh, I really like her now."

"You promised!"

First three chapters out on March 1, 2024

The Stars, The Moon & Everything In Between// Alec LightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now