2A.2 Need to find him.

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            Magnolia was sitting on the roof once again, a different jacket in her hands, her eyes screwed closed, green radiating from her palms growing brighter as she pressed. The door flew open, her eyes opening, the magic dying out.

"Flower." He huffed

"Dad, I'm trying to focus." She said

He placed his hand on her shoulder, her hands dropping.

"I need to find him, Dad. I don't think Alec can't take much more before he loses it." Magnolia said
"We will find him, my flower. Now go take a break, go talk with Alec." He said
She sat there as she felt a force bring her to her feet, she rolled her eyes as she turned to him.

"You aren't taking no for an answer." She said
He shook his head as she laughed walking toward the door.

She walked down the hall as two ShadowHunters walked up to her, she looked around seeing two more around the back.

"Hello boys." She said
"Aldertree wishes to speak with you." One said
"Lead the way." She said
The four surrounded the girl as they walked out through the Ops center. The group watched as the girl was escorted toward the head man's office, a confused look upon their faces. Alec and Izzy walked toward them when Magnolia placed her hand up giving them a tight-lipped smile and a nod. She walked off with them arriving at a giant door, the door opened as they led her in. She walked in spotting Victor staring out the large glass window.

"You wanted to see me?" She asked

"Miss Bane, nice to see you again. Have a seat." he replied

Magnolia took a seat in the middle of the couch, crossing her legs.

"Sorry about the camera, like I told your friends when they came in, this is official business, so I have to be official." Victor said

"Whatever it takes to find Jace." Magnolia whispered

"Now let's talk about Jace." He said

"Let's talk about Jace." She repeated

"You were under the impression he was saving your lives by leaving with Valentine?" He asked
She looked at her hands.

"He shouldn't have ever gone with him. He thinks he's bad but he isn't." She said
"And how would you know?" Victor asked

"Have you ever come in contact with a warlock with a special gift?" Magnolia asked asked
He shook his head.

"I am an Empathic Warlock, I can sense lots of things, emotions, feelings and shifts in people. Jace isn't bad, he's just got a lot on his plate, like trying to find where he belongs." She explained

Aldertree looked at her, staring her over.

"Do you believe that Jace is helping Valentine?" Victor asked

"Not of his freewill." She said

"I know what you want to think he's good-" Victor said

"With all respect, sir. If you want me to tell you that Jace is now working with Valentine, you are asking the wrong woman." Magnolia explained

He nodded.

"Thank you for your cooperation." He said
"Of course." she said with a nod

She walked out of the room finding her father waiting for her.
"Have you talked with Alec?" He asked
"No, I had a talk with Aldertree." She said the two walking

"Well there he is, talk." Magnus said walking off

She shook her head, sighing as she walked in the opposite direction.
"Hey! Hey!" Alec called out

Magnolia stopped, slowly turning facing him.

"Are you going home?" He asked

"I might but now I think I was thinking of heading up to Jace's room, maybe being able to find him, seeing as I'm not doing enough." She said walking away

"Wait, Magnolia." He said grabbing her arm
"What now Alec? Do you want to yell at me some more?" she asked

"No, I-" He said
"What Alec? I want to find Jace just as much as you do but you are treating me like-" she said

"Then what do you want from me?"  Alec yelled
"At the moment, nothing."  She said

The two stared at one another, as the alarm blared, red lights flashing. She wiped her cheek, as she passed the Shadowhunter toward the Ops Center. The four walked in seeing a holograph showing a wanted poster with Jace's face on it, Dead or Alive. Magnolia's eyes grew as stared at it, looking at Izzy who was just as confused.

"Aldertree said he wanted to rescue Jace." Clary said

"Actually Clary, I said I wanted to find him and you gave me the clue I needed to do just that." Victor said

Magnolia glared over at Clary.

"What did you tell him?" Alec asked
"Alec, Nolia, it..." Clary said
"Is this everyone?" Victor called out

The crowd stared at him, confused.

"Fantastic. First up, all Downworlders are forbidden from entering the Institute without my prior approval. For all those still present, good day. Mr. Graymark." Victor said

"I'm not leaving Jocelyn. Besides, my badge gives access to resources that you don't have. I can help you find Jace." Luke said
"That's generous of you, but I'm going to have to insist." Victor said

"Call me when you can." Luke said
Jocelyn nodded as Luke walked off as Victor turned to Simon.
"You too...Simon. Simon, right?" He said

"It's almost dawn. I don't have anywhere to go." Simon said
"Hey you're a smart guy. I'm sure you'll figure something out." Victor said
"Simon." Luke called out

Simon walked over to him as Victor stopped before Magnolia.
"And you as well Miss Bane." Victor said

She looked up to him, confused.
"I was going to check Jace's room, maybe try a track in there." She said
"Awe, but there is no need seeing as you haven't found him yet and it's been how long?" Victor asked
Her eyes widened slightly as she shook her head, scoffing.

"Come on Simon." Magnolia said walking away

"Magnolia." Izzy said

The girl ignored her friends as the two made their way out of the building, now standing outside. She raised her arms, twisting them, a portal opening.

"Do you two need one?" Magnolia asked "Well be okay, keep in touch." Luke said She nodded as she walked through the portal standing in front of her apartment building. The woman walked through the front door turning down the hall to her room, closing the door, lighting the candles. She sat on the floor, laying the jacket back on the floor as she closed her eyes, rubbing her hands together, igniting the green energy in her palms. For the rest of the night, the girl focused on the blonde. 

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