1.11 Oh no...

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           The next day, Alec arrived around 6:30, the sun was barely setting as he entered the apartment. He smiled at her, looking around again.

"Oh so my dad is ordering us Chinese for when we have drinks later." Magnolia said
"I like Chinese." He said
"Good." she smiled

They smiled at one another before snapping out of it.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked

"Of course, let's get going." Magnolia said

She handed Alec her purse, shaking her hands out. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath before rubbing her hands together, green wisps evaporating from her palms. She crossed her arms, snapping as a portal formed before them. She lowered her arms, turning back to face Alec, a smile on her face. She grabbed her purse back from him, grabbing his hand.
"Ready?" He asked

"I guess." She said
"Know where you're going?" He questioned

"Of course." She said
The two walked through, on the other end, the two walked out into the entryway of the Institute. People stopped walking, staring at the warlock woman as she walked through her hand still in Alec's. The two walked deeper into the Ops area seeing Jace talking to multiple people.

"You came." Jace said
"Clary asked for me." She said
He smiled at her as he looked at their hands. They quickly separated, still standing beside each other. Magnolia cleared her throat.
"Now which way is Clary Fairchild's room?" She asked

"Up the elevator, top floor all the way to the left." Jace said

"Thanks, I'll see you boys later." Magnolia said walking away

Magnolia traveled up the elevator now standing before a door knocking lightly. Clary opened the door, a giant smile across her face.
"You came" She said
"You asked for me, and that is saying a lot because as you notice. I don't think I'm welcomed here." Magnolia said
"Come in." Clary said

Magnolia made her way in the room sitting on the corner of Clary's bed looking around the room. Clary closed the door sitting beside her, grabbing her hand. Magnolia looked at their hands before turning to Clary.

"Yes?" She asked

"I need your help?" Clary asked

Magnolia gave her a look.

"I will give you anything in return." Clary said
"What do you need?" Magnolia asked

"Is there any way you can track Simon for me? He left a voicemail and I tried calling him and he never answered and I'm just- I need to find him." Clary asked
"You want me to track your boyfriend?" She asked

"He's not my boyfriend, he's my best friend." Clary said

Magnolia stared at the Shadowhunter before nodding.

"Do you have something of his?" Magnolia asked

Clary nodded, running over to her bag pulling out a zip up.

"He left it with me before he took off." She said
"Okay please stand back." Magnolia asked

Clary took a couple steps back as Magnolia closed her eyes, cracking her knuckles. She held the zip up in her hands, concentrating. Her eyebrows squeezed together to focus on the boy. She huffed, her eyes opening.
"He must be over water or dead, because I can not find him. I honestly don't think he's dead. I'm sorry I can't be of more help." Magnolia said
"It's okay, you tried. Let's head down stairs, show Jace the Cup." Clary said

The two walked out and down the hall.

        Jace and Clary were now holding the cup between one another having a very intimate moment.

The Stars, The Moon & Everything In Between// Alec LightwoodWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt