TXT- Growing Up- Part Three

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High school.

Kai sat at his dining room table in total devastation. His sisters were arguing everything he had been feeling towards his parents for twenty minutes now. They just told them they were moving again.

The cycle never failed. That's all Kai could think about. He became closer than close to his friends and of course, now, they were moving again. Being the new kid in his sophmore year sounded like utter hell. Breaking up with Beomgyu? He wanted to cry just thinking about it. His boyfriend was his first for everything. First love, first kiss, first time, first person he truly couldn't stand the thought of leaving. Silent tears slipped from his eyes when Beomgyu texted him.

Lea, his oldest sister, quietly cried with him. All of the Huening kids loved it here. Bahiyyih, the youngest of the family, stormed up to her room. The door slammed so loudly, it sounded like an explosion. Lea followed suit after deciding she didn't want to hear from her parents anymore.

Kai kept blankly staring at his screen saver. The photo was a picture Beomgyu took after they had sex. They were both shirtless with a blanket pulled up to their armpits. Beomgyu told him how sexy he was after they finished together. He said he wanted to capture this moment forever. Kai of course thought he meant in his head. Next thing he knew, they were wrestling for his phone. At the time, he was upset he lost. Looking at that photo, he would've loved to lose to him again. It would hurt a lot less than losing him all together.

Mr. Huening sat down after his wife went to check on her daughters. He hadn't seen Kai cry since he was seven years old. As gently as he could, he asked "Kai?"

Kai got up and left. Halfway to Beomgyu's house, he realized he was about to ruin his day. He debated on turning around. His boyfriend was happy. He was supposed to keep him happy, not be his burden. When he pulled up to the curb, he just sat there unable to convince himself to either leave or go in.

Beomgyu heard squeaky brakes outside of his house. Only Kai's car was that run down. He didn't know why his boyfriend was here but he welcomed the surprise. "HEY YEONJUN! SOOBIN!"

Soobin yelled "WHAT?!"


"NO! WHY?"


Yeonjun came up from the basement first. He peaked through the curtains to see what Beomgyu was seeing. Kai didn't look okay. He was sitting completely still. So still, it started to freak him out. "What's wrong with him?"

"I don't know. I've never seen him do this before."

Soobin stupidly asked "do you think he's breaking up with you?" He got hit by both of his friends at once.

Taehyun came through the door. "Hey. Do you guys know why Kai is just sitting in his car?"

Yeonjun replied "no. We can't figure it out. Did you invite him?"

"No? He said he was spending all day with his parents. I tried talking to him but he acted like he didn't hear me. I think he's crying."

Beomgyu ran out. Kai was crying. His heart shattered when his boyfriend turned to look at him. He couldn't hear what he was saying. The younger only mouthed "I'm sorry". Soobin's joke didn't seem funny anymore. Beomgyu started pounding on the driver's side window. "OPEN THIS DOOR! TALK TO ME! PLEASE!"

Kai unlocked his car in silence. He still didn't say anything when the door opened. His head sunk against the steering wheel when his love sat down.

"Baby? You're freaking me out. Please talk to me! Did something happen? Was it me? Did I do something? What did your parents say? We were fine yesterday! Is it because I didn't invite you to hang out today? I only didn't because you said you'd be spending all day with your parents! Trust me! I'd much prefer hanging out with you! Kai? Hello?" Beomgyu knew this was serious because he wasn't kissed like he always was for the last two years when he started a rant. His eyes watered from the sinking feeling in his chest. "Baby?"

Kai still refused to look at him. Tears fell from his cheeks onto his lap. He stared at the roof of his car and weakly muttered "I'm moving again..."

"You're moving?" The tears Beomgyu had been holding back began to free fall. "...when?"

"The summer..."

"What? That's in a month! This was supposed to be our summer Kai! We had a trip planned! We-"

Kai kissed him through the heartache. "I love you..."

"I love you too... where-where are you moving?

"China. They offered my parents a lot of money to fly as senior pilots. I'm sorry."

Taehyun, Yeonjun and Soobin were watching the whole thing. They could only guess at what was happened. Did they break up? The way they were looking at each other suggested they didn't. At the same time, neither smiled. Neither could stop crying. Two normally happy people looked devastated in their foggy privacy.

Soobin especially hated the tension. "I was joking before... do you guys think they broke up?"

"I hope not." Yeonjun had never seen Beomgyu as happy as he had been the past two years. "Taehyun? What do you think? You're usually right about these things."

Taehyun didn't want to admit it outloud. He knew why Kai was with his parents today. From what his best friend told him, what he hoped wouldn't come true did. "He's moving."

The two Chois exclaimed "moving?!"

"To China. Kai said it was only a rumor."


"Why are you mad at me?! I didn't want to upset you guys incase he wasn't moving!"

Soobin was about to argue but he heard two car doors close.

Kai held Beomgyu closely under his arm. He looked up to see his friends watching them from the window. "I hate this."

"I can't believe you're going..."

"I know. I'm going to miss you so much."

The front door opened. Soobin shakily asked "you're moving to China?"

Kai sobbed when he was wrapped in a group hug. These four people were his world. "I love you guys."

"We love you too..."

The worst part of the cycle was coming up. Promising they would keep in touch and then ultimately being phased out. It would kill him inside to lose these people. Based on his past, he eventually would.

Short Stories-Kai Ships Only! Volume 3Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora