Beomkai- Just Friends

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Two years ago.

"You're so fucking hot." Beomgyu stared at Kai as he slipped his hand down the front of his pants. His lips tasted of the strawberry vodka they shared earlier. The music at the frat house was loud. Vape clouds lingered in the air. No one could see how handsy they were becoming and that made it so much more fun. "This is the last night I'm here for. I want to spend it with you."

"Let's make it count then." Kai did make it count. Though both of them were drunk out their minds, neither forgot that night. They had sex five times. Three before the sun rose, two afterwards before Beomgyu had to leave for the airport. Neither knew each other's names nor did they want to. Both achieved what they were looking for. One wild night.

Two years later.

Beomgyu met up with his childhood friends at a bar. He saw Yeonjun laughing at someone with blue hair. He couldn't see their face but he could hear the stranger's laughter from the front. Taehyun threw his arm around the stranger's shoulders and whispered something into his ear. Soobin then brought him a beer and they drank together. He really wanted to meet the person his friends seemed so fond of. A new friend was always welcome. The more the merrier. He hung up his jacket and then yelled "hey guys!"

Kai turned around to see who his friends were greeting. He blinked several times to make sure he was seeing correctly. Since his hair was different (and they weren't drunk) he figured the shorter didn't recognize him so he awkwardly waved.

Beomgyu's smile lit up the room. "Hey guys!"

Taehyun enthusiastically stood up, pulling Kai up with him. "Hey! This is Kai! I'm glad you two can finally meet!"

Kai's face turned a vibrant red when he offered his hand. "I'm Kai... and you are?"

Beomgyu's grin drew larger when he glanced at the hand extended to him. Last time he saw it was when it was playing inside of him. "Beomgyu."

Kai joked "glad I finally know your name now."


The other three were all equally confused. Soobin asked "you guys know each other?"

Kai hid his face behind his beer. The warmth in his cheeks was not well hidden by the coldness of the bottle.

Beomgyu happily claimed "yeah, we've met before at a party. Getting to know each other wasn't high on the list."

Yeonjun nudged Kai with his fist. "No more alcohol for you then."

"Like he regretted it!" Beomgyu batted his eyelashes towards the adorable blue haired angel next to him. He found it almost funny at how shy Kai was being compared to the demon he remembered in bed. "You didn't right?"

Kai shook his head.

The rest of the conversation surrounded what each of them had been doing for the past four years. Kai was the only one not originally from the area. He moved for college and found a permanent home here when he landed a job.

Everyone else grew up in the area. Only Beomgyu moved away because he was offered a full scholarship on the opposite side of the country. He missed his home city too much so he only applied for jobs in the area. One hired him and now he was back permanently.

After everyone went their seperate ways, Beomgyu ran up to Kai on the street. "Wait for me!"

"Hi again."


Kai wasn't sure why Beomgyu was walking him back to his apartment but he didn't complain. "So you grew up around here."

Short Stories-Kai Ships Only! Volume 3Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz