⚜️Yeonkai- Shooting Stars

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"What baby?"

"Do you really think we'll make it out of here?"

Kai groaned as he struggled to sit up. The burns on his stomach were absolutely killing him. Watching hope fade in Yeonjun's eyes hurt him worse. His husband was just staring at the stars while fire crackled away. This night seemed to be exceptionally clear compared to most. No wind to kick sand up. No clouds to distort the view. Only calmness with the occasional barking from the pack a mile away. "We have to. I'm not going to die here."

"But do you really think we will?" Yeonjun looked over to see his husband burning himself again. Kai was trying to conceal how much pain he was in but it was obvious. His abs kept contracting with each firey drag across his stomach. Yeonjun found himself unintentionally holding his breath when he noticed Kai was. He breathed out "baby stop."

Kai couldn't even respond. All of his focus went onto finishing off what he started. Silent tears fell as the last bleeding parts of his wound were sealed by hot iron. When it was over, he tossed the rod to the side and fell back to softly cry more. Water, that he so desperately needed, wouldn't stop pouring down his cheeks. He wanted to scream but he didn't because he was already falling apart. Doing more so would only cause his husband to panic. So, he let his tears rain down on the sand below him while a storm brewed inside.

"Baby..." Yeonjun gently pulled Kai's head onto his lap. His own tears started when his husband sobbed against his thighs. His fingers combed through his messy blonde hair in an attempt to comfort them both. "I'm-I'm sorry... I don't mean to worry so much. I'm sorry." Yeonjun bent over to hug Kai from above. "I love you. I'm so fucking sorry."

"It's not your fault..."

Yeonjun started yelling "it is my fault!" His tears were angrily wiped away but more quickly replaced the ones lost. He wrapped his arms around Kai's chest and squeezed tightly. His face buried itself into his back to cry "if i wasn't so pathetic you wouldn't be killing yourself! I'm sorry Kai! I want to be stronger but it's hard! I can't- I can't lose you again! I just got you back!" Yeonjun hugged his husband even tighter when more soft whimpers were heard. "You can't leave me... I just got you back... I need you..."

In the quietest whisper, Kai said "I need you too..."

"I want to go home..."

Kai sat up to pull his husband onto his chest. His left arm laid over his wound to shield himself while they hugged. His tears dripped into Yeonjun's hair as he stared at the starry night sky. "We'll make it home babe."

"H-how?" Yeonjun sat up to wipe the blonde's tears away while his own continued to fall. His hands cupped his husband's cheeks as their foreheads touched.

Kai's breath began to steady when he saw hope start to return in Yeonjun's gorgeous eyes. "I know which one is the alpha now. Come with me to kill him. I can't do it by myself but I'm certain we can do it together."

"But you're hurt..."

"I know." Kai brushed his husband's bangs away from his forehead to place a kiss there. They were getting really long. He was sure that if Yeonjun wanted to, he could have a decent sized ponytail. "I'll get better though. At least I'm not having a fever anymore right?"

Yeonjun found it hard to smile from the attempt to lighten the mood. His smile came when he was unexpectedly kissed. "I love you."

"I love you too. I know you don't feel it but you're doing a great job taking care of me."

"Thank you..."

"Hey." Kai kissed him once on the lips and once on each cheek. He was beyond thankful Yeonjun's cheeks stayed squishy despite how much weight they've both lost. "I will get better. I'm not bleeding anymore. See?"

Yeonjun looked down to see the blonde was telling the truth. The wound did look dirty though. He was worried another infection would begin if he didn't clean it. "I'll be right back!"


"Two seconds!"

Kai looked up to see two stars shoot through the sky. One on top of the other. He didn't believe in wishing on them but he felt it couldn't hurt to do so either. His eyes closed to think of his wishes. The first wish was for them to get home alive together.

The second wish, he had to think hard about. It came when he heard footsteps crunch through the sand towards his direction. The second wish was for them to have a baby when they got back. Their dream of starting a family had been put on hold long enough. He was ready to be a father and he was ready to see his husband as one.

Little did he know, Yeonjun wished for the same things when he saw the stars. Unlike Kai, he believed in fairytale magic because he felt like his life was one. There was as many beautiful moments as there was tragedies. He was ready to have a break from the tragedies. Kids with his husband would be just the perfect ending if he was lucky enough to get it. And he sure as hell wanted it.

Kai was happy to see his husband back until he saw the alcohol wipe in his hand.

"I'll be quick. I promise."

Kai dug his fingernails into his thigh when the alcohol touched his burn. Each drag across his skin felt like another branding that he volunteered for.

"I'm almost done."

"I-shit-I know..."

"How long do you think it'll take you to heal?"

"I'm ready to go tomorrow night if you want."

Yeonjun knew husband was serious and that was the scary part. "How about in a week from now?"

Kai flinched when the wipe cleaned up the last of the burnt blood from his stomach. "Sure. You're not going to let me hunt are you?"

"I love you?"

"I love you too babe."

"I'll let you get the cactus fruit!"


Yeonjun rested his head on Kai's shoulder after tossing the red cloth into the fire. The sky was shading to a deep royal blue as the sun was just starting to rise. "I'm going to miss this. You don't see this back at home. Think Amaris can reprogram the Terrarium ceiling?"

"I'm sure he could but it still wouldn't be the same."

"Why's that?"

"Because this one is ours. It's real."

Yeonjun couldn't wait to make Kai a father. Killing the alpha would give him that chance but he didn't want to think of how hard that challenge would be. For now, he held his husband's hand and watched the sunrise.

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