Tyunning‐ Two Black Cadillacs

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Three months ago.

Taehyun's relationship with his boyfriend had been rocky for the past few months. Their sex life was dead. They hardly talked about their favorite things and when they did talk, it usually ended in an argument.

Out of nowhere, late nights at the office became common. Phone calls in the bedroom or bathroom began happening as well. Whenever he tried to ask about who his boyfriend was texting, it was always a vague answer like a co-worker.

Then, his boyfriend came home drunk. Taehyun woke up to something crashing in the living room. He saw the asshole fast asleep on the couch with the coffee table tipped over. On the ground, was his phone. It was unlocked. A string of messages were shown from some number he didn't recognize. The name was unfamiliar too.

Quietly, Taehyun took the phone into the bedroom and called it.

"Hey baby! Made it the hotel already?"

"Baby?" The voice on the end of the line became his greatest enemy. "I'M his boyfriend of five years! Who the fuck are YOU?!"

"Boyfriend? What are you talking about? I'm his fiance!"


"Yeah? We got engaged two weeks ago?"

"Are you talking about Beomgyu Choi?"

"No? I'm talking about Logan Chwe?"

"Logan..." Taehyun stared the drunk sorry-excuse-for-a-human-being on the couch. "Logan" was the name Beomgyu gave people who he didn't want knowing his real one. "I'm sorry. You guys have been going out for how long?"

"Three years? You said you were going out for five?"

"Yeah... where was he yesterday? He told me he was working at the office."

"He was with me. Where is he now? He told me he was visiting his old college buddy."

"Old college buddy huh? He's at our house."

"I'm so sorry. I really didn't know."

Taehyun wanted to strangle Beomgyu to death. It wouldn't be hard. The shithead wouldn't even see it coming. Five years of his life was a lie. That was five years he could never get back. "It's not your fault. It's his."

"You're right. It is his."

"Let's ensure he never does this to anyone else again."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying he's collectively wasted eight years of our lives. We'll NEVER get that back. What do you say we do the world a favor?"

After a long pause, Taehyun heard what he thought was a ring bouncing off of a wall. Sniffles followed the sound of a bottle being cracked open.

"I'm in. I can't believe I didn't see this sooner."

"Don't worry. Karma never fails. He'll get what's coming to him."


When the phone hung up, Taehyun deleted the call from Beomgyu's logs. He then looked up every Kai and Logan combination he could find until he had confirmation his boyfriend really was cheating. Sure enough, he was. Kai Huening's profile had an endless amount of photos of them together. All matched the dates and times of when his boyfriend was supposed to be working or visiting family. Revenge became his drive. Years of lies ensured one thing. Beomgyu was going to die.

1 week ago.

Taehyun read Kai's letter stating "he's coming home tonight. Time to finish what we started." A sadistic sense of satisfaction came when he lit the letter on fire. That would be the last one they would ever send to each other. Revenge was coming. He just needed Beomgyu to walk through the door.

10 minutes later, he did. With the biggest smile that Taehyun's had in weeks, he said "hey baby! Welcome home! How was your business trip?!"

Like usual, Beomgyu slumped into a dining room chair after giving him a short kiss. "It was fine. I'm starving. Airport food really is shit."

"Why don't you have a snack while I make us some dinner?"

"Sure. Oh yeah, that reminds me..." Beomgyu pulled out a container of cookies that Kai gave him for the plane. "Do you want one? My business associate made these but they taste kinda weird."

"Weird? How so?"

"I'm not sure. Like they're fine but it's got a weird aftertaste. I can't quite put my finger on what the hell it is."

Taehyun knew what it was and he needed him to eat another. "Maybe later tonight. Maybe some wine will make them taste better?"

"Couldn't hurt."

Taehyun forced down a smile while he poured a large glass of wine for both of them. He then laid the bottle on the table in hopes it would encourage Beomgyu to drink more. The wine was cheap yet it tasted like sweet sweet revenge. "Delicious. I love this stuff."

Beomgyu downed the whole glass after finishing off his cookie. "Well, it's effective. I'll give it that." Another glass was poured and sipped.

Taehyun looked up from cutting onions and repressed another smile. "So, you seem to be going on a lot more business trips lately. How about I go with you one day?"

"Uh. I'm not sure my boss would appreciate that. You wouldn't have fun either. It's just meetings and business lunches." The wine started hitting him harder than it should've. Beomgyu's head began spinning. "Ugh. Man, I need to lie down."

"You okay?"

"Yeah... just a little jetlagged I guess." Beomgyu stumbled to the couch. He felt like he was on spinning teacup ride that he couldn't leave. His body felt lighter and lighter. Closing his eyes barely helped. The dizziness became excrutiating, so much so that he vomited on the floor. "Ugh... I'm fucking dying."

Taehyun hoped that was true. He offered him another cookie and another glass of wine. "Dinner is almost done. You need something in your stomach."

"God, please give me anything but that." Breathing became difficult. His lungs felt like a deflated balloon. No matter how much he gasped for air, the balloon never inflated. He couldn't move yet his brain was conscious of everything that was happening around him. Beomgyu laid helpless as he was force fed another cookie. To ensure it went down, more wine was poured into his mouth.

Taehyun didn't feel sorry for him at all. He sat by Beomgyu's side and bragged "I know about Kai. He poisoned those cookies. It's amazing what some alcohol and perscription medicines can do to the human body. Enjoy your time in hell. I'll see you there later babe."

Present day.

A blue haired beauty walked out of the black Cadillac behind the one Taehyun was escorted in. Both were wearing thin black veils and long black trenchcoats. One look at each other and they knew who the other was. No words needed to be shared. Only smiles for successfully getting away with murder.

With a red rose tossed onto the coffin, Taehyun looked at Kai and nodded. That was the last time he ever saw him and hopefully he'd never see him again.

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