Don't Worry, Darling

38 1 1

November 16th, 2021

Y/N's POV:

        Alastor's face is oddly calm as his disguise slowly fades in the eyes of the paparazzi. His teeth are slowly growing pointier as microphones and camera's are shoved in my face.

"Catherine, who is this mystery man you're always seen with?" A reporter asks. My lips are in a flat line as I push past the public on the side walk.

"Andrew is so fucking fired," I mutter as I break into a near jog. Right about now, my magic would be useful. I'm so pissed they took away my power. Alastor's face is contained as he keeps a pace with me. He can't talk. He is seriously concentrating right now. "We're almost home, hang in there."

Alastor keeps up with my pace as we use the back entrance to my penthouse. The elevator takes us straight up, and the second we are through those doors, Alastor's human disguise drops. He lets out an exasperated breath before summoning his staff. He stands in front of the mirror in the living room before fixing his tie.

"You alright?" I ask as I appear behind him in the mirror.

"Of course! Don't you worry your pretty little head, darling~" Alastor replies as he pats my head.

"Just making sure. I cancelled everything for the next two days. With that being said, you have a day to rest and conserve power. We can do the ritual on the 18th," I explain. Alastor gives me a firm nod as his grin grows weaker with his eyes. "I'll make dinner tonight, you can go to sleep."

"I'm alright, dear, really, but I will admit, I could use a bit of rejuvenation," Alastor replies in that same radio tone as always. He flashes a smile before waving at me. I watch he walks off to what used to be my spare room. Alastor's really put his own touch on the place since he showed up. I don't mind though. Nobody's stayed in it anyways. I wish he would be more transparent with me. I know he's hiding things from me, then again I'm also hiding things from him. Interesting enough, he doesn't seem uninterested in me. I guess that's a good thing. I mean it's probably a bad thing, but I'd like to think it's a good thing. I'm glad someone finally cares about me in some way.

My phone blares, interrupting my mirror staring session. "What?" I answer my phone without looking at it.

"Hello, Y/N~" My name rolls off of a man's tongue. My heart flips to my stomach as I do my best to remain calm.

"This is Catherine. I think you have the wrong number," I reply calmly despite the dumpster fire in my chest.

"Oh no, love, I definitely have the right number," The man continues.

"I don't know anyone named Y/N," I reply, holding my ground.

"Don't play dumb with me, amor. I know Alastor has been shacking up with you," He taunts. In a matter of two seconds, my body shuts down. I think breathing. My heart is slamming in my chest rather painfully and my brain is clouded.

"I seriously don't know what you're talking about. If you contact this number again, I won't hesitate to call the cops, you fucking creep!" I exclaim, hanging up the phone.

        In a matter of mere seconds, Alastor appears beside me, twirling his staff. "What troubles you, Y/N?"

"Nothing, sorry for waking you. Some creepy ass fan just called," I reply. I don't want to worry him right now. I need him to get me what I want.

"Alright then! Well, I feel much better now, should we make something for dinner, hmm?" Alastor's mood seems a lot more perky compared to when we got here.

"You slept for almost 10 minutes? You really feel that much better?" I ask, extremely skeptical of him.

"Oh, my dear, I don't sleep. I was simply kicking back and enjoying a hot cup of tea," He replies.

𝘚𝘛𝘙𝘐𝘕𝘎𝘚 𝘖𝘕 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘗𝘜𝘗𝘗𝘌𝘛 𝘔𝘈𝘚𝘛𝘌𝘙|Alastor x fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now