A Child of God

29 2 1

November 21st,2021

Alastor's POV:

        Her heart is back in her chest. Her power is mere days from being fully restored. Y/N is now my top priority, specifically her power growth. Nobody can know who she truly is and especially who her father is. I'm not concerned about the V's. They haven't made another appearance, so I believe it's safe to assume that they're back in hell, plotting some foolish conspiracy against me again. Unfortunately they're dealing with not just one, but two of the most omnipotent beings in all of creation.

"What do I do now?" Y/N asks me as she slams a man over the head with a bat, enough to knock him out, but not quite kill him. Blood spills from the man's temple as I hand her the rope. "Oh come on, I'm a woman!" Y/N exclaims under a very quite, midnight sky.

"Hush. You have to be the one to do it," I reply. Y/N huffs an irritated sigh as she grabs the rope from me very rudely. "Hey, I'm not the one who needs to darken my heart~"

"Shut up," Y/N snips. I can't help but let out a laugh at her irritation. This certainly puts a smile on my face. A real one.

I silently observe as Y/N very lazily ties the man's hands behind his back. She struggles to roll him over, but eventually she gets it. Her long, white painted nails are now ruined with mud from all of her 'manly' pursuits as Y/N would call it.

"Alastor, please help," Y/N begs, casting her glowing white eyes. Her hands grip her larger hips as she looks down at the man and flicking her eyes up at me. I chuckle and bend over to tighten her knot. "Thank you~" She gives me this glittery gaze as I stand up. I roll my eyes and shake my head, a grin still present on my face.

"Alright, now we need to torture him and deliver his organs and engagement ring to his children," I explain to Y/N. Her face remains nonchalant. Interesting, typically a person would be horrified; I would assume the direct descendant of God himself would show even the slightest bit of emotion.

"You'll help?" She asks, more concerned about the work load. What a peculiar being. The offspring of God cares more about heavy lifting than ruining a family. To be fair, this brazen bafoon is an adulterous, woman degrading incel.

"Yes, I'll help," I give in, bending down to help pick the man up. Just as I hoist the man over my shoulder, crows scream in the night, followed by the cracking of twigs and crunching of leaves. Someone's coming.

"You heard it too?" Y/N asks, panic evident in her tone. I have to plan carefully. They're in the direction of the car, and I don't want to kill anyone else here. It's too risky, or is it?

My heart races as adrenaline runs it's race in my cold veins. I've missed this rush! The brutal chase after a kill!

"Oh, my dear, it seems we have a problem," I comment quiet as a mouse, stepping backwards as steps continue to approach us.

"Shit, what do we do?" Y/N's heavily panicking now. Clearly she hasn't ruthlessly murdered anyone in cold blood before, but no matter.

"Just follow my lead, sweetheart," I instruct.
Y/N nods as I skulk behind a tree cautiously.

"I swear I saw her! I saw Catherine!" One of the voices exclaim. Definitely another stalker. Y/N makes a contorted face of disgust as I rest against the tree. This person is getting heavy. "Catherine! Come out, honey! I know youre here!"

        Y/N grabs the bat at her feet and taps on the tree. This crazy woman. The footsteps start barreling towards us, but Y/N shows no fear. How enticing is this? Truly amazing!

"Catherine!" The man screams. The man tries to zip past our tree, but Y/N cracks him in the ankles before clocking him in the head. He's out cold. I must say I'm impressed with my little angelic demon and her progress. Four kills later and she seems to have it down to a science.

𝘚𝘛𝘙𝘐𝘕𝘎𝘚 𝘖𝘕 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘗𝘜𝘗𝘗𝘌𝘛 𝘔𝘈𝘚𝘛𝘌𝘙|Alastor x fem! ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum