Our Tether Issue

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Alastor's POV:

She is everything I need. The poor, wasted potential of this girl is sickening. She is the panacea to all of my problems, to all problems to ever exist. Y/N has more than most likely been lied to her entire life about her abilities. Her magical power exceeds God himself, her father. I can't even be upset that she did not inform me before. I'm too elated over this!

I slump back on Y/N's couch and pound another shot for victory. I can't say I'm not affected by alcohol at the moment, but I am still collected. I lean back and chuckle to myself quietly. I can harness her power and become the most powerful being in all of creation.

"Alastor! Come here, I'm cold!" Y/N calls from her room. I put her to bed an hour ago, how is she not asleep? I let out an annoyed sigh before standing up. This woman is a most painful thorn in my side when she's drunk. I truly cannot wait until this deal is done.

"What can I do for you?" I ask, walking in Y/N's bedroom. She's bundled in blankets, shivering as she struggles to speak. Almost makes me feel bad for the poor thing.

"I don't know. I'm never drinking again, Alastor. My hangovers are so bad," Y/N mutters. I hum as I walk up to the side of her bed and feel her burning forehead. She clearly has a temperature and her eyes are still blood shot. "This is why I'm not wasted every night."

"Fear not, my dear, it'll subside," I try to reassure Y/N. This is not my ideal Tuesday night.

"I know, but I feel like I'm dying. Can you get me more blankets from the living room, please?" Y/N requests. Without another word, I fetch her blankets and drape them over her. "Thank you. I'm sorry that I'm a wreck," Y/N's speech is a little broken as she digs deeper under the covers. As obnoxious, yet mildly entertaining as this is, I do hope this feeling vanishes sooner rather than later. I need Y/N at her best in order for this to work.

"It's quite alright, sweetheart! Is there anything else I can get you?" I offer. She shakes her head in reply.

"Thank you, I really appreciate it," Y/N says as I turn around to leave. I gently close the door behind me, telling her to sleep well, although I'm sure she won't be sleeping.


My morning coffee trickles down my chin as Y/N bursts out of her room in a fit of rage. "No! I told you that you're fucking fired! First, you harassed my female workers, second, you told me to fuck myself in a drunk email last month, and now you almost publicized my private life! I don't fucking pay you for that shit," Y/N exclaims. She's dressed in her everyday suave attire with sunglasses. I assume those are to hide bloodshot eyes. "Andrew. I pay you for your job of keeping me and my private life safe. Yesterday you deliberately left us for what? A tinder hook-up?!"

Y/N mutes herself while Andrew continues to plead for his job back. "I'm sorry. He's so irritating. I should've fired him months ago, but he does my paperwork and he does it well," Y/N apologizes as she pours herself a cup of coffee. I hum in reply before sipping my own coffee.

"Don't care. I want all of your stuff out of the office by Tuesday. If you leave anything behind, I'm burning it. Do you understand me?" Y/N's voice is vicious as she leaves the call, slamming her finger down on the button. Andrew's downfall is almost lamentable, but it is his fault that I almost got caught in public, therefore I don't feel bad. "God, having to deal with that dumbass while hungover is the absolute worst."

"It'll be okay, I'm sure he's extremely crestfallen and fears your very voice," I encourage, taking another sip of coffee. Y/N shrugs as she pops a pill in her mouth.

"Y'know, Alastor, you have an interesting choice of words. It's admirable honestly," Y/N compliments as she sits next to me at the kitchen island. This kitchen as a whole is beautiful. White cabinets with black marble countertops are quite the beautiful combination. One could truly admit that this girl has an eye for design. "Alastor?"

𝘚𝘛𝘙𝘐𝘕𝘎𝘚 𝘖𝘕 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘗𝘜𝘗𝘗𝘌𝘛 𝘔𝘈𝘚𝘛𝘌𝘙|Alastor x fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now