Extermination | Part 1

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Alastor's POV:

I can sense Y/N's anxiety, I can practically feel it. It's weighing me down. I wish I could stop her from feeling anything as I can do for myself. It's something I mastered long ago. She's smart though. Part of me doesn't believe her emotions. Maybe she knows what's happening and she's trying to appear one way, but she's not really that way. Y/N strikes me as a lying, treacherous python beneath a doe-eyed deer exterior.

Y/N laughs with Angel Dust as she takes another sip of her beer. She's drinking slowly. That's out of the usual.

My thoughts are interrupted by a gentle tap on my shoulder. "Alastor, can we talk?" Charlie asks, her tone dead serious. We stand away from the others, towards the sofas away from the bar.

"What is it?" I ask, letting out an exhasperated sigh. I'm too tired for any tom-foolery.

"There's something off about Y/N," Charlie says, her tone shy and gentle. "I don't know what, I just don't trust you."

"I don't know what you're talking about, my dear, Y/N is quite lovely. Sure, she has her... moments, but other than that, she is a lovely girl," I defend Y/N. I can't have Charlie finding out about Y/N's true identity or the deal. Both would put both of us at high risk.

"I bet she is! It's just that... I don't know," Charlie sighs.

"Oh, Charlie, don't worry about such frivolus things! Y/N is a delightful girl, make no mistake," my eyes flick to dials as I speak, my tone crackling with static. I don't understand why, but Charlie questioning Y/N angers me greatly.

Charlie's jaw drops as she nods rapidly. "O-Of course! You're right, it's probably the pre-war stress," Charlie ceases her argument. I give her a smile in reply.

"Yes, you should get some rest, as should you all," I point at everyone with my mic. Charlie nods and waves goodbye as she joins Vaggie in the bar area.

        Hours go by, one by one, demons go to bed until Y/N and I are the only ones left. I smile as she waltzes over, sitting down on the sofa right next to me . "My alcohol tolerance is through the roof."

"That's what happens when you're a previous alcoholic in hell," I chuckle. Y/N laughs quietly before we both dip to silence. She silently puts my arm around her. I do a double take and make sure nobody's around.

"Alastor, I'm scared..." Y/N admits quietly. "I don't know what's going on, or why everyone and their mother is panicking."

"I'll be fine, dear! Tomorrow's extermination day," I explain the entire situation to Y/N as her expression remains blank.

"Well, I'll help however I can," Y/N replies.

"I'm sure Charlie would love that," I comment. Y/N gives a nod, putting her head on my shoulder. I want to move, but I can't. I don't know why, but every time I'm around this girl, I can't move.

"Where do you think Vox is?" She asks after a moment of silence. I look down at her and hum.

"Maybe they're all chasing each other's tails like a couple of lost dogs," I answer. Y/N laughs softly before being interrupted by a yawn. "You should rest up, my dear. Big day tomorrow."

I tap Y/N and she stands almost immediately. "Come along, I'll show you to a room," I offer a hand as we walk up the stairs to the hotel rooms. She happily accepts my hand and allows me to lead her to a room.

        The following morning, Y/N bolts into my room, closing it behind her with a bang. I jump, spilling my coffee on the table. What the hell? "Y/N, dearest, this better be good because I-."

𝘚𝘛𝘙𝘐𝘕𝘎𝘚 𝘖𝘕 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘗𝘜𝘗𝘗𝘌𝘛 𝘔𝘈𝘚𝘛𝘌𝘙|Alastor x fem! ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora