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Alastor's POV:

February 1st, 2022

Y/N grows anxious as we await for the portal to spawn and take us to hell. Things have been fine between us since New Year's. I took pity upon the poor girl when she apologized, so as an act of truce, I took care of her. Y/N appreciated it and pleaded her case that she wouldn't call Vox. I believed her after the first time, but she claims that she had felt guilty for thinking it in the first place.

"Where is it?" Y/N asks, absolute insanity in her eyes. Ever since she went on her murder spree in order to blacken her heart, she has these 'episodes' when she gets angry. I am starting to suspect these delusional states are not new. Y/N knows exactly how to bring herself back. She knows how to contain herself.

"Fret not, dear, I'm sure it'll be here soon," I place a hand on her shoulder, pushing her gently back into her seat on the sofa.

"But what if it never shows?" Y/N asks in frustration. I must say, she is truly a ticking time bomb when she's in these types of states. I wonder what it was like in heaven for her. She must have been an outcast, the black sheep. They all looked at someone with a flaw and deemed them unworthy. That's the rift between heaven and hell. Flaws. Hell accepts, Heaven denies.

"It will show, darling, just have paitence," I reassure. Y/N scoffs, throws her hands up in defeat.

"Alright, but when it doesn't show, I'm gonna have your ass on a platter," Y/N replies. I chuckle, rather amused. Her language is entertaining, quite humorous. This angel is such an enigma. I truly wonder about her life in heaven. She's so... abnormal. It's not a bad thing by any stretch. The normal are so, so boring.

Such apathy is a tragedy and should be a crime.

"There, there, it'll be oka-," I'm cut off as a flaming vortex appears behind me, pulling both me and Y/N through it. This is a different type of portal. Y/N crashes into me, gripping onto me for her dear life as she screams in terror.

"What the hell?" I question, seeing nothing but flames as we fall. Why are we falling into fire? This isn't what happened when I first entered hell. I dropped through the pentagram as everyone else.

The fire begins to encase us as Y/N and I brace for impact, closing our eyes tightly. I must say, this is not a situation I can be very relaxed in as it feels like my body is on fire. The world around us is coated in flames. All I can see is fire, and it fucking burns. Are we dying for good?

"My heart!" Y/N clenches her chest and my shirt.

"Hang in there, darling, it'll all be okay!" I exclaim happily, unsure if I believe myself. Why haven't we stopped falling?

"I'm trying!" She exclaims. Y/N's body begins to crack and contort as she's drawn away from me. Her eyes go fully white, no irises or pupils. I stare in awe as her bones crack and she becomes taller. White, curvy horns sprout from her now H/C hair. Y/N gasps as her entire body shifts into a new form. Her abnormally pale, fair skin now S/C; her eyes remain white, a newfound radiant flame bursting from her heart as she is shot down into the inferno.

"Y/N!" I exclaim before being gravitated all the way down as well. I try and try to keep my eyes open, but no avail. My head spins as everything goes black.

        I blacked out for a moment upon hitting the ground with a loud bang, but I return to my consciousness immediately. I stand up and search around for Y/N. I cannot lose her here. She's a threat to the foundation of heaven. In the wrong hands, she could destroy everything.

𝘚𝘛𝘙𝘐𝘕𝘎𝘚 𝘖𝘕 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘗𝘜𝘗𝘗𝘌𝘛 𝘔𝘈𝘚𝘛𝘌𝘙|Alastor x fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now