A Game of Manipulation

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Y/N's POV:

My heart pounds out of my ribs as Alastor's hands venture my back. His touch is so delicate as I come down from my psychotic high. My erratic feelings subside as the tension in my body releases.

"This feels good," I comment as Alastor gently massages my shoulders.

Alastor hums quietly, a look of satisfaction on his face. His red, majestic eyes are half lidded as his mind drifts somewhere else, as does mine. I don't know what it is about this demon. He's so dangerous, lethal even. My brain can't grasp what he makes me feel. What is his goal here? Does he love me? Is he taking advantage of me? Am I crazy? Does he know about me being a God's daughter somehow?

"Alastor, I need to ask you something..." I trail. Alastor looks at me in the mirror, resting his head on my shoulder.

"What is it, my dear?" Alastor moves his hands down to the small of my back, massaging gently.

"Do you know my biggest secret?" I ask. Alastor chuckles sinisterly before spinning me around in his grasp. My heart soars out of my chest as my mouth runs dry.

"Of course I do~" Alastor replies simply, his smile growing wider. My stomach and heart switch places. The atmosphere grows heavy and the bathroom around us disappears.

"So my dad-," I start to talk, but Alastor firmly presses a finger to my lips.

"Yes, dear. You should really stop drinking, or control your tongue while intoxicated perhaps?" He explains before leaning closely to my ear.
"We're on camera. I don't need those moron's knowing our greatest secret."

"Our?" I question aloud. Alastor hushes me once more.

"Yes, now would you like to get ready for bed and I'll clean up your mess?" He quickly jumps subjects as I look around the room. Lone and behold in the large window beside us is a giant billboard. The bathtub overlooks the city, but nobody can see me naked unless they climb onto a billboard. The bathroom itself isn't too fancy, just a bathtub and in-wall shower across from it.
This is the small bathroom connected to my room, so Vox can see just about everything. Good thing I keep my heart hidden.

The billboard crackles for a moment before going back to normal. Fucking creeps. I'm so sick of them. I wish they'd go back to hell.

"Get cleaned up, darling. I'll see you in the morning," Alastor's voice pulls me from my angry thoughts.

I give him a nod and off I go to shower and bed.


December 2nd, 2021

I've been on a murder spree for awhile. The city has most definitely noticed. Everyone in the city cries and bitches on the news, but it's so worth it to listen to them whine and cry about their dead daddy. Truly amusing as Alastor would say.

"Ew, he's an ass," I mutter, clicking to a different news broadcast channel. Alastor, reluctantly, agreed to let me keep my electronics, despite Vox. He sits next to me, also getting a kick out of people and their reactions. As much as Alastor hates TV, his love for the cries of the innocent outweigh by far.

"I think you're ready, Y/N. We may begin the ritual," Alastor states after being quiet beside me.

I look at him, a puzzled expression on my fair face.

"Excuse me?" I reply in disbelief.

"You have grown into a devious little beast. It's time to get you into hell, but first you need to fail divine judgement," Alastor's explanation is simple.

"Alastor, the angels know who I am. I can't get to divine judgement," I explain quickly. Alastor looks lost in thought for a minute.

"I have a different idea that should suit our needs here. I'm good friends with Charlotte Morningstar," Alastor says. I gape at him as his expression remains unmoved.

𝘚𝘛𝘙𝘐𝘕𝘎𝘚 𝘖𝘕 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘗𝘜𝘗𝘗𝘌𝘛 𝘔𝘈𝘚𝘛𝘌𝘙|Alastor x fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now