A New Year's Catastrophe

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Y/N's POV:

December 31st, 2021: 10:43AM

    Alastor and I haven't spoken since he fucking edged me, so rudely, in the bathroom. He fucked with me that day. I felt like a failure; I was humiliated and looked down upon. It was almost as if I was back in heaven and he was standing there, his voice low in my ear as he told me that I would never amount to anything. I will never forget that sinking feeling I felt that day. My stomach flipped into my chest on the counter. I felt helpless at Alastor's mercy. I thought he'd never hurt me, but he would... and that fact is so fucking scary.

I button the final button on my coat before heading outside from the penthouse lobby. Just because Alastor and I are on bad terms, doesn't mean I'm not celebrating New Year's Eve. By celebrate, I mean get insanely shitfaced and watch Adult Swim.

I decide to walk to the liquor store near the penthouse. Luckily, I go undetected by the public due to my scarf over my head and sunglasses on my face. I just started covering up like this during this winter. It truly helps to have sunglasses for the snow to see, and the scarf keeps my hair in check. I have to keep my model physique somehow.

    A bell dings as I fling the door to the liquor store open. The clerks bright green eyes flick to me for a moment. He gives a smile, so I return the kind gesture. I walk towards the Coronas and pick up a six pack. I cannot wait to drink this shit tonight. I also snag a bottle of Strawberry Tequila before heading to the checkout. I won't finish any more than this, so why waste the money.

I take the booze to the counter and the cashier rings me out rather quickly, giving my ID a cursory glance as he feverishly puts the alcohol in a bag. "H-Have a good one, Ms. Catherine. Huge fan by the way!" The short, brunette boy says happily. I give a smile as I grab a black sharpie from my purse. I'm about to make someone happy. This is my one act of kindness for 2022.

I gently grab the mans hand and sign his forearm with a heart. The man's leafy eyes ignite with happiness as I put my pen away and make my leave. The booze clanks in my bag as I walk briskly back to the apartment. Snow begins to fall from the sky, coating the ground in a blanket of ice and cold.

    Once I step into my penthouse, my heart stops beating. Vox is sitting on my sofa. Alastor is nowhere in sight. What is happening? Why is he here? More importantly, why after all this time? What compelled him to come out of the shadows.

"Come on in, dear Y/N. It's just us," Vox comments, noticing my hesitation. With a fast paced heart, I walk to the kitchen to set my stuff down on the island before walking slowly to the living room. "Have a seat, babe, let's chat."

I sink into the sofa across from Vox. I have to play it smart here. Vox is the least violent of the V's, however he is the worst to deal with mentally. He is a conniving douche. When they jumped me two weeks ago, Vox stood by, a sinister smile on his sexy face as Velvette and Valentino wrestled me. Jokes on them, I took martial arts in the early 90's when I was known as Seraphina de Romano, a wealthy family who 'mysteriously' gained hefty wealth in the 70's-80's. They were just a crime organization. After that, they had a daughter and gave up that life style.

When the V's thought they had the upper-hand, I opened a can of whoop-ass and bam, they were done. Vox was an angry mess as the three chased me for three blocks before I gained public attention. At that point, I just ignored the paparazzi and bolted home.

"So, what's new with you?" I ask. Vox leans forward on my white sofa, giving me a smile.

"Oh nothing much, just trying to catch a feral angel in the human world, yourself?" Vox replies.

𝘚𝘛𝘙𝘐𝘕𝘎𝘚 𝘖𝘕 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘗𝘜𝘗𝘗𝘌𝘛 𝘔𝘈𝘚𝘛𝘌𝘙|Alastor x fem! Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें