
22 1 1

Y/N's POV:

        The words tumble past my lips before I can even think. Alastor blinks at me, his eyes wide with shock. For the first time, he's speechless. Alastor's face is shocked, but his eyes are warm.

"What...?" He's breathless as his eyebrows furrow together.

"I um..." I trail off awkwardly. I'm still naked from the waist down and he's flipping shit. "Let's get cleaned up, then we'll talk."

        Alastor and I get cleaned up and sit down in our chairs again. I let out a shaky breath as I lean forward in my chair. No going back now. "I meant what I said. I care about you more than you'll ever know. You're like the liquor to my mild alcoholism."

Alastor chuckles at my joke, leaning forward as well. "You really are one of a kind, Y/N. I don't know what I feel, but it's very peculiar and alluring."

How fucking shocking. The Radio Demon expressing another emotions other than callousness? I never thought I would see the day.

"We don't have to be anything, but you just need to know how I feel," I explain, smiling from ear to ear. This is so awkward, but it has to be said. I can't keep catching Alastor off guard. I don't want to force him to do anything, including loving me.

"But of course, my dear! I'm sure getting that off your chest felt spectacular! Should we return to the hotel?" As fast I got to see some emotion from Alastor, it's gone with a snap. He stands up, offering his hand to me.

I take his hand and he snaps us back to the hotel and our romance dies.

        The next morning, I wake up to a gentle hand caressing my face. "Wake up, Y/N," Alastor sings, his voice unfiltered. I open my eyes before closing them again, rolling away from him.

"No," I mumble. Alastor chuckles before appearing on the other side of the bed, lying next to me.

I gasp and sit up quickly as Alastor laughs. "Fuck!" I exclaim, wide awake.

"There you are, darling! Time to wake up! We have work to do!" Alastor says happily. I tilt my head in confusion.

"Like?" I question, tossing my head back on the feather pillow. I close my eyes for two seconds. Two seconds.

Alastor suddenly appears on top of me, his hands dipping into the pillow on either side of my head. My eyes flash open as he leans down to me, firmly pressing his lips to mine. He continues to reconnect our lips in a heated make out. I sit myself up and push further into him, kissing back with more force. My lips part and Alastor takes the oppertunity to slip his tongue into my mouth. I'm not sure what inclined him to do this, but I'm just going to take it and run. A hot demon wants to make out with me? Fuck yeah.

We kiss until I pull away for air. We both gaze at each other and our swollen lips. "Good morning to you too," I let out a laugh.

"I just figured you could use a wake up call," Alastor replies, smiling ear to ear. His smile becomes contagious as I find myself smiling now as well.

"I guess you were right," I reply.

"Go ahead and get ready, darling," He leaves a kiss on my forehead before leaving, closing the door behind him. I have no fucking clue what's gotten into him today, but I fucking love it.

I get myself ready for the day, dressing in a burgundy, skin-tight dress, hugging my body in all the right ways. Alastor said we have something to do, but not what we have to do, better to be best dressed.

I make my way to the hotel lobby and observe the gloomy aparel of everyone. Charlie and her father whisper dinstinctly in the corner while Angel slams another shot. Husk swiftly pours him another one. Everyone else must be shut up in their rooms for today.

The second I step into sitting area, all eyes fall on me, more specifically Lucifer. He gives me a confused gaze before moving away from Charlie and to me.

"Y/N..?" He reaches out to cup my cheek. Lucifer and I go way back. Terribly far back. "How?"

"You got me out of that loop. I'm Catherine Cathaway," I explain.

"I knew I recognized your soul. I didn't want to be rude and ask if you were-," Lucifer is cut off abruptly as Alastor appears behind me.

"What a happy reunion! Unfortunately, Y/N and I have much to attend to," Alastor says, his hand falling on my shoulder.

"Yes, right! So sorry to cut this short, Lucifer, but I do have to go," I pick up on Alastor's drift and exit the situation as fast as I can.

"O-Okay! Yeah! We can talk later," Lucifer replies. I give a nod and turn around. Alastor puts a protective arm around my waist as we walk away and onto the streets.

        Alastor glances at me ever few seconds during our walk, his eye twitching with irritation.

"You wanna know why I know him, don't you?" I ask.

"Of course I do! So do tell, my dear! Why do you know Lucifer so well that he touched your face?"

Bells go off in my head as I detect brash jealousy in the towering demon beside me. No fucking way. I didn't think he was capable of feeling jealous.

"Awww, is the Radio Demon a little jealous?" I decide to tease him. I pinch his cheek as we walk. He quickly waves my hand away and turns toward me. We stop in a back alley in front of a massive elevator.

"Hush. Now how do you know him?" Alastor asks. The truth is, I'd rather not say, especially to Alastor. Lucifer and I go way back, further than him and Lilith. Lucifer and I were kids together, grew up together. We were practically inseperable. I loved him, but not in the way in which he loved me.

"I don't wanna talk about it," I reply, my tone serious. Alastor's eye twitches once again, this time he turns me to face him.

"Y/N, tell me," Alastor's eye continues twitching. He's getting angry. I couldn't give a shit less though. I love the guy, but that doesn't mean he has to know about me and the King of Hell almost having a one-night-stand.

"I'm not telling you. Not right now," I reply. Alastor doesn't take no for an answer, using his appendages to keep my feet planted in the ground. "Why are you so petty?!"

I start fuming as Alastor chuckles, but he doesn't seem very amused.

"Just tell me and all this goes away, my dear!" Alastor says merrily. My head feels like it's about to fucking explode. Why can't he just accept it? Why does he always have to have it his way or no way. Sometimes it's hot, but this clearly bothers me. Why is he such a cunt right now? Fire courses through my veins, boiling my heart in flames.

"Alastor! Stop!" I exclaim angrily, secretly hoping to draw attention. I need to fucking punch him. I need to bite his fucking face off. That stupid grin makes me thrash, and struggle attempting to escape.

When that doesn't work, I change my approach and instead allow my seething anger to take control of me.

My entire body glows white, burning the shadows off of me. Alastor stares in awe, his eyebrows rising. My body continues to glow as I step towards Alastor. He stares at me, but I don't back down. I'm so pissed off right now. The power at my fingertips has finally returned and I plan to use it. Nobody is walking on me ever again. No matter if it's a small or big situation, I am not to be fucked with.

"Enough! I don't want to tell you, so I'm not going to tell you. Am I clear?" I hiss, crossing my arms. Alastor sighs.

"Crystal." Alastor grits out. I smile in satisfaction, my body fizzling out back to normal. Alastor looks irrited, but content. That felt amazing. Taking back such power over something so little is incredible.

"Good! Now what do we have to do?" I ask happily. Alastor's demeanor immediately goes back to normal as he gives me a bright smile.

"We have a meeting to attend!"

Sorry for just two chapters this week, but how would yall like to read a story about a female assassin and a princess falling in love? Let me know because if you do, I'll publish it on this account as well! -Lia

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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𝘚𝘛𝘙𝘐𝘕𝘎𝘚 𝘖𝘕 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘗𝘜𝘗𝘗𝘌𝘛 𝘔𝘈𝘚𝘛𝘌𝘙|Alastor x fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now