Visit with the V's

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Y/N's POV:

I'm choosing to trust Alastor here. What a time to have a wicked hangover. I have barely any memory of last night, and the only thing carrying the pain in my neck is the ibuprofen I took. The talking TV begins talking to the public, his eye flashing as the demons fall into some sort of trance. Alastor continues to back up and come back through the portal while everyone's distracted, but he's caught by Valentino and Velvette, I think her name was.

"Not so fast, radio guy, we're comin' with you!" Velvette calls, her and Valentino following Alastor. His eyes don't match his smile as his eyes darken, glowing a dark red. The second his foot hits my floor, the chains are gone and I can breathe again. I jump up away from them and bolt to my bedroom to hide my heart. The second they find it, I'll be fucked. I hear Valentino chuckle as I wrap my heart up in a blanket and stuff it in my hamper under my clothes.

"Come on out, Violet! We have guests!" Alastor calls from the kitchen. I quickly comb my hair one more time and slip in another contact.

"Coming!" I reply, heading for the door. Of course Valentino starts laughing. Perverted freak.

"Ah, the lady of honor! Quite the pleasure to be meeting you, honey, truly! I have to apologize for my associates and their behavior, I truly had no idea what they were up to," The blue TV rushes to grab my hands as he apologizes. I give an awkward smile, looking past him at Alastor, who is actually brewing tea. I thought that was a joke.

"Eh, it's alright," I retract my hands from him. "Why don't we sit down, yeah?" I suggest, leading the TV to my living room, where he fucking belongs. In the living room, not apologizing for his stupid friends.

The demons and I all sit down while Alastor continues his business in the kitchen. "So, I know Valentino and Velvette, what's your name?" I ask, head cocked in the TV's direction.

"I'm glad you asked, I'm Vox, owner of Vox Enterprises and-," Vox is cut off by a staticy laugh in the kitchen.

"Vox, you're not that important," Alastor chuckles as he walks into the living room with two cups of tea and a shadow carrying three. Vox grits his teeth in anger against Alastor's remark.

"You're an outdated coward!" Vox exclaims at Alastor. Alastor is calm as he sits down beside me, his shadows holding tea out for our sudden guests.

"Shut up and drink your tea, Vox," I laugh. Velvette gives a smile as Vox accepts his tea. Alastor kicks my leg subtly as Vox deadpans at the tea.

"I'm a flatscreen fucking TV. I don't even like tea."

"Vox seems pretty salty," I antagonize as Alastor laughs beside me.

"Okay, enough is enough, we have business to discuss," Vox shuts down the conversation as he sets his tea on my coffee table. I can feel Alastor tense beside me due to him being so close. Panic arises in me, realizing that Alastor isn't calm right now. Maybe he is actually and he's just thinking? Who am I kidding, Alastor isn't some know all being. He's still a mortal soul.

"We sure do~" Valentino puffs more smoke towards me and my vision goes blurry again. I feel sick as I set my tea down on my end table. Alastor's grip on his cup subtly tightens as I lean back against the couch, suddenly dazed.

"Val, enough, she's not working for you. She can't even get to hell," Vox shuts Valentino down. Valentino still smiles though.

"She can work from up here," Valentino says. My head is still fuzzy as everyone begins to conversate. Oh my Father, what did he blow at me? I feel nauseous. I can't wait to get out of this human form.

"Val! Catherine here isn't working for you. She's going to bring us profit in a different trade with a different ring," Vox crosses his ankle over his thigh. Without any warning, Alastor summons his staff as he stands up. Velvette rolls her eyes as she keeps her head buried in her phone. She's completely entranced in her screen, an expression of apathy on her face. I feel bad she was dragged into this by these three morons. Valentino continues to eye me up ever so often. I wish I wasn't stuck as a human. I used my final spell and favor to get my heart back.

𝘚𝘛𝘙𝘐𝘕𝘎𝘚 𝘖𝘕 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘗𝘜𝘗𝘗𝘌𝘛 𝘔𝘈𝘚𝘛𝘌𝘙|Alastor x fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now