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Alastor's POV:

December 14th, 2021

    Ever since our encouter after talking with Charlie, Y/N has been distant from me. She gave me what struck my cold, dead heart, a loving touch. I hate that she had that affect on me. She gave me what I've long lost since death. This is peculiar indeed. I thought I was no longer susceptible to such emotion. No matter, I'd love to partake in Y/N's rather enticing activities.

"Alastor!" A high pitched voice squeals behind me, interrupting my thoughts. I pull my gaze from the grand window in the living room and direct my eyes to Princess Charlotte Morningstar, who is so foolishly standing in the openess of her abode where anyone can see. "I have word! My father can get her here. She just needs to die."

"Excellent. Thank you very much, dear!" I happily reply. Charlie bids goodbye with a smile.

"I have to go, but I really just needed to tell you that. I was bursting with excitement! We miss you and hope to see you soon!"

The heated vortext that once stood before me, closes in an instant. My smile grows sinister as I summon my radio staff. This is quite the game indeed. I turn my attention back toward the bustling city below. I can't say I'll miss this place. I hate my wreched disguise.

    A little while later, as I try to conjure a thought for my next move, Y/N comes flying through her elevator. My eyes instantly land on her state. Her eyes are bloodshot and tears stain her face. The tears mix with the crimson blood that drips from her nose as well as a cutting wound on her cheek. How could one such as the fearless Y/N get herself in such a predicament?

"Y/N, dear?" I call out as Y/N bolts to her bathroom. Swiftly, I follow after her. Her ignorance to me is irrelevant. I must know what happened.

"Fuck, those fucking pricks! I thought they were back in hell!" Y/N exclaims, doing her best to clean herself up in front of the mirror. For some rather odd reason, I feel anger and resentment. What did those pitiful disgusting souls do to my diamond?

"What did they do, might I ask?" I question, swiping a washcloth from the bathroom closet. I gently spin her around against the sink as I wet the washcloth before gently pressing the warm rag to her cheek. Y/N hops onto the bathroom counter before leaning into the cloth, seemingly soothed.

"They fucking jumped me in the bathroom of the mall. Valentino blew his stupid ass smoke at me, which gave Velvette an advantage in kicking my ass. Then Valentino joined in. They were trying to restrain me and inject me with something. It's apparently something to tranquilize angels. Jokes on them, that shit don't work on me," Y/N explains. Her speech is interesting. Not my cup of tea, but I love to listen to her speak. It's always something new and entertaining. "Anyways, someone walked over and it gave me a chance to get away. The V's bolted; Vox driving the get away car."

"I see..." I trail off in thought. The V's are vindictive when they don't get their way. It's quite embarrassing. "Would you like me to do something about them?"

"No, lovely, that's okay," Y/N so delicately cups my cheek. As much as my body would like to recoil, I can't move as I rest the washcloth on her thigh. With a delicate touch, Y/N rubs my cheek with the pad of her thumb. Why can't I move? I need to break free from her touch, but her snowy eyes have a captivating grip on me. This is something I haven't felt in quite a bit of time. Quite a strange and interesting feeling. "You've done so much already, I'd hate to make you worry any more than you have to."

What is this woman playing at? Y/N moves her hand, tracing it down my neck. I continue to hold eye contact with her, encased by her eye's radiant glow. What's happeneing to me? This is quite unusal, almost problematic. I cannot let this take hold over me, but I let it. Why do I allow this? Her fingers dance down my chest until she grips my blazer.

With a firm grip, Y/N sends shockwaves throughout my body. Her touch is electrifying as she presses her soft, delicate lips to my own. She grips the back of my head, latching herself onto me as her lips move passionately with mine. Why can't I pull away?

She's so intoxicating.

Her beauty, her laugh, everything.

I'd love to deny it, but she's so addicting. This is disgusting. How could I ever allow something like a girl to get in the way of my intentions. No matter, two can play it that game. I push my own body into hers, lifting her legs around my torso. Y/N pulls me closer and closer, moving her hands to my hair, tangling her fingers through my red strands.

"Alastor..." She mutters, drawing back with swollen lips. Y/N pants, her warm breath fanning my face as I chuckle and grip her chin.

"You taste delightful, my dear," I comment, leaning down to her neck. I press my lips to her sensitive skin and leave a trail of hickies. Y/N makes beautiful sounds, as my lips continue to connect to her skin. Her whines echo off the bathroom halls, giving me imense satisfaction. She wishes to have me under her control, but she's much mistaken. I have her wrapped around my finger. "You sound so pretty, darling~"

Y/N's thighs clench around my body as she tugs on my blazer like a feral animal. She is going insane from my touch. How entertaining!


This coniving, nuisance of a girl.

She is using my own strategy against me. She's manipulating what shakes my core.

I continue to leave love bites on Y/N's body, trailing slowly down to her collarbone before abruptly stopping and pulling away from her. She gives a look of confusion as I harshly grip her chin.

"Your little game is over, Y/N. Look at yourself," I turn her head towards the side mirror in the bathroom, reflecting our bodies pressed tightly together. Her eyes bare into her own staring back at her. "You're unraveling under my touch," I snap her face back to face me. "Your face is flushed, not to mention what's going on below the waist, hmm? Am I wrong, Y/N?" Her eyes meet mine, dazed and uncertain.

"I-I'm-," Y/N stammers. I hush her with my finger as her glare shoots daggers.

"Correct, my dear. You are a mess when it comes to me," Y/N looks at me with narrowed eyes, yet she keeps her mouth shut anyways. I lean towards her ear, brushing a strand of hair back. "Know this, darling, if you ever try to fuck with me in these ways again, I will not hesitate to reduce your meaning to nothing. Do I make myself clear?"

Y/N doesn't nod or speak, so I grip her face harder, emitting a quiet whimper. I smile at her, facing her full again. My eyes flick to dials and she nods rapidly. I revel in such a fact. The fact that I can bend one of the most powerful being's will. "Good girl."

"Fuck you, Alastor," Y/N seethes. I chuckle in response, kissing her sweet lips one last time before prying my body away from her.

"I'm glad you see it my way, love~"

I leave her alone, slamming the door with a bang. I am enraged by her sinister intentions, yet I'm also enticed and excited to see what her next move is.

𝘚𝘛𝘙𝘐𝘕𝘎𝘚 𝘖𝘕 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘗𝘜𝘗𝘗𝘌𝘛 𝘔𝘈𝘚𝘛𝘌𝘙|Alastor x fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now