Ghost pt.2

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My mom had died one week ago. I was devastated, I mean I just got out of high school, man and my mom had died. I had no dad, well not a living one anyways. Mom used to tell me stories and all about him, and she said I was nearly his spitting image, only alive and softer in a good way, according to her. I mean I've seen his pictures and he looked like me, I guess. Though his hair and eyes were similar to my mothers so I kind of held a resemblance to both of them. Well, I did what she said. I packed a bag and took a bus to Tulsa, got a motel, then got to work. And let me tell you, when I walked through the neighbourhood to the address she gave me, I got some pretty weird stares. One red head lady who looked to be in her mid-thirties screamed when I stopped at a DX gas station to grab a coke. Weirdo I grimaced.

"Ms.Valance, what's going on?" A buff man about her age with dark brown hair came out from behind the register.

"That old hood...He's come back to haunt me." She trembled at the mere sight of me, although I was just standing there with my sort of slicked back hair, blue jeans, and black tank top and some old brown leather jacket that my mom had that quite obviously wasn't hers. The man looked up at me and gasped.

"Dallas?" He sharply inhaled at the sight of me. And why was he calling me Dallas? That was my dad's name.

"No, that's my dad. I'm Houston." I put my hands on my hips and glared at them both, a habit I had picked up.

"Lord, who's your mother?" The man asked. I was very uncomfortable, but like hell I was gonna show it.

"None of your business, now I'll be going on my way. Try not to disturb the peace or whatever..." I snarled at them which made the two of the people jump slightly as I sauntered off back on my way to the address. Walking through the rest of the neighbourhood was a walk in the park, honestly. I approached the house that my mother had directed me to and knocke don the door. A dude who looked maybe thirty opened the door and had nearly the same reaction as the DX guy.

"Holy Hell, Dallas?" He said. Oh boy, here we go again I sighed annoyed.

"Nope, just his son. Is a Ponyboy Curtis here?" I smiled curtly. I didn't know where this attitude was coming from, but I liked it.

"Yeah...That's me." The man named Ponyboy nodded hesitantly. "Oh where are my manners? Come in, uh...?"

"Houston. It's Houston Johnny Winston." I answered his implied question.

"Well, uh welcome to the house." He gestured to the small but cozy looking home. I plopped myself on the couch and held out the letter my mom asked to give him.

"Here. My mother said to give you this before she died. Her name was y/n l/n." I handed off the letter to a surprised looking Ponyboy.

"So your father's Dallas and your mother's y/n, never saw that coming." He admitted to me looking shocked.

"Well, why?" I sat up straight and cockily eyed the man before me.

"You see, we knew your mom. But about I'd say eight months before your dad died she disappeared. Missing, vanished, whoosh, gone with the wind. But old Dallas was with this girl named Sylvia at the time, they were on and off for far too long...until he got out one last time and caught her two timing again then he died." He shook his head while recalling old memories.

"Well how would I be here then if he was with this Sylvia broad?" I pulled out a cigarette and began smoking. While Ponyboy read the letter.

"Hey, kid no smoking. Didn't your mom die of those?" He slapped the cigarette out of my hand and stomped it out.

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