New Music

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"Lets listen to some music, man. I've been in the cooler for too damn long without any." Dally laid stretched out on my bed as I sat by the window trying to cool myself off during the hot summer day of 1968.

"Well what station?" I walked over the my radio and began toying with it.

"Anyone, wait, the rock n' roll one. They play some tuff tunes." Dally sat up briefly to give me his orders. I was struggling to find the channel and I knew Dally was staring at my ass as I bent over to tend to the radio.

"God damn, y/n. Your ass looks great in those jean shorts. Your tits look pretty good in that top too." He practically purred as I finally got up and flipped down beside him. I had successfully changed the channel to some new song, Stray Cat Blues by The Rolling Stones.

"Is that all you ever think about?" I started to giggle as Dally planted kisses all over my neck and face.

"Aw come on baby. Hey let's dance around, I like this song." He suddenly stopped and hauled me to my feet and began leading a dance with me, a very sexually tense dance might I add.

"Oh, yeah, you're a strange stray cat
Oh, yeah, don'cha scratch like that
Oh yeah you're a strange stray cat
I bet, I bet you're mama don't know you scream like that
I bet you're mama don't know you can spit like that." Dally sung as he leaned forward and began moving my hips against mine.

"Jesus you're horny." I gasped as I felt something start to poke me.

"Oh girl you don't even know half of it!" Dally cried out as he set me back down on the bed.

I'll just say this, I could not walk properly for the rest of the week.

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