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It was your typical weekend day.

People on streets, kids hanging out, and much more.

Dally was laid in a hospital bed, me laying beside him, since he wanted me to keep him company.

"Doll?" He croaked out.

I hummed in response, looking down at him as he was cuddled up and resting on my chest.

"Do you think Johnny's okay?" My heart skipped a beat.

I sighed before speaking "I think so. He's at peace, no more gangs, no more violence, I think he's happy."

I had only met the kid about ten times, but he was like a tuff little brother to me.

Johnny had died one week prior of his burns, and Dally being Dally tried to get killed along with him.

Thankfully, the cops bullets managed to miss his major organs and same with the shop owners shot.

"I should've gone down with him." He gripped my waist.

"No, because if you did Johnny's death wish would be useless, and I'd follow you." I tried not to cry.

"Why? You'd kill yourself? What about the baby?" His fingers grazed my stomach, still not bulging.

"It'd go with me, we'd be a family one way or another." He looked up at me, but his face was out of place.

The usual him would get pissed of and go on a rant, but something had changed in him.

You'd think after the chain of events that Dally would get tougher and meaner, but something snapped, now he looked at me with a bewildering expression.

"I love you." He said out of the blue, but I went along.

"I love you, too honey." I kissed him sweetly on the forehead, his reaction was out of character, kissing my cheek and shifting so that we were nose-to-nose.

"If it's a boy, can we name it Johnny?" He was serious, yet eager for my response.

"Sure, why not? And if it's a girl we can go with Joan or Joanne so it's still like Johnny, how's that?" I beamed at him.

"Just fine, key-lime." He nuzzled into the crook of my neck, gently kissing.

"Awww look at the lovebirds, making another baby." I shot up to see Two-Bit and the rest of Dally's friends gawking at the sight.

"Is Dally soft now?" Ponyboy whispered to whoever, loud enough for Dally to hear.

"No, why you peaking you little shit?" He tried to get up, but I held him down.

"Don't struggle!" I hissed.

"Shit! Don't use too much effort, remember, you're pregnant." Dally  hurriedly stopped and panicked for a second.

"He's not soft, Pony. He's just taking responsibility." Darry explained, clearing some things up for everyone.

"So uh, how many weeks?" Sodapop started a conversation.

" 'Bout fourteen." Dally answered for me.

"So Sylvia really wasn't the broad you were seeing, huh?" Steve crossed his arms.

"Oh come on, Steve. A high-class gal and me? Y'all would've blew a tire if I said anything too soon." Dally sneered.

"Okay, I'm getting coffee. Who wants some?" I interrupted before things could escalate.

"Boys, one of you go with her! I don't want her carrying too much." Dally demanded.

I rolled my eyes and listened for what everyone wanted, and just as Dally said Ponyboy was forced to help carry the coffee and whatnot.

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