Keeping Up With The Curtis's

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Ugh! Where is my pack of cigarettes?" Ponyboy stomped through the Curtis house angrily while the rest of the gang watched. Steve rolled his eyes.

Steve Randle: "I don't mean to be a bitch, but Ponyboy is such an entitled kid sometimes."

"Well why are you asking us?" Steve forced a smile.

"Hey don't stress it, Pony. I'll help you look." Y/n quickly butted into the conversation before things could escalate.

Y/n Curtis: "I swear to God if you left those two in a room alone Steve would murder Ponyboy, try to change my mind, I dare you."

Y/n quickly got an idea and began searching behind the couch. Meanwhile, in the corner, Dallas is watching very intently.

Dallas Winston: "I'm not gonna lie man, Y/n is one hot chick. I mean she's cute as a button, smart as a whip, sweeter than cherry pie, and man does she have one hell of an ass!"

Darry noticed Dally enjoying the view of his sister bending over. "Dally, what exactly are you looking at so closely?" He sternly questioned.

"One fine cake. You should really let me take out your sister, man. I mean without us having to sneak around and say that the love-bites I give her are curling iron burns and all." It was at this moment that Dally knew, he fucked up.

"Oh hell naw! Not on my watch Winston!" Everyone including Y/n watched as Darry lunged like a panther at Dallas.

"Run Dallas! Run!" Two-But cackled drunkly from the kitchen as Sodapop and Ponyboy tried to stop Darry from slaughtering Dallas for what he was doing with Y/n.

"Dal, go! Let him cool off!" Johnny cried out, panicking for his friends safety while all six of the remaining boys, including himself tried to restrain Darry.

"Alright then. Later, toots!" Dally grabbed Y/n into a passionate kiss and slapped her ass quickly before sprinting out the front door before the boys lost their grip on Darry.

"Missy, you've got some explaining to do." Sodapop put his hands on his hips and faced her along with the rest of the gang.

Y/n swallowed as she was forced to answer question after question and was sent to bed, grounded by literally everyone but Johnny. Johnny was actually happy that they were together, he had been shipping them and had a mini Fanclub made up of all the other people he knew who shipped them together (Buck Merrill who listened to Dally's drunken rants about how much he loved her, along with himself who actually knew all along but never said anything, and Angela Shepard who was Y/N's closest friend).

Johnny Cade: "This is probably the most gallant thing I've even seen. I mean ole Dal really needed someone to balance him out and Y/N is perfect. I mean I wish deep down I was the lucky guy but her and Dally are made for each other."

  "Lights out, Y/N." Darry peeped open YN's door to tell her it was time for bed.

"Fine, goodnight Darrel." Y/N groaned annoyed and crawled into bed.

Darrel Curtis: "Is she mad at me? I mean excuse me for not wanting you to break your heart, little missy but come on, why Dallas? I know he's my buddy and all, but how can I sleep well knowing that he's with my sister?"

Darry exhaled loudly and shut the door while a certain Y/N waited until everyone was in bed. She then opened her window, allowing her boyfriend, Dallas Winston to enter.

"Well, Doll. You look amazing I do have to say." He licked his lips and pressed her onto the bed.

"Shh, be quiet! They'll hear us and have your head on a stick." Y/n giggled in a hushed voice as Dally began pressing his lips against her neck and chest, only dressed in a pink tank top with spaghetti straps.

"Ah, so no fun tonight, I take it?" She watched as Dallas stretched himself out on her bed and pulled her into his chest.

"No, sorry baby. I'm grounded, now go to bed I'm tired." Y/N yawned and snuggled deeper into his toned chest.

"Yeah, fair enough. Sweet dreams, sweetheart." Was the last thing she heard before dozing off.

"Oh shit, shit, shit, shit! Darry help me!" Sodapop squealed. Y/N had been caught a second time.

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