Who Wants To Live Forever

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I wove my way through the hospital hallways to the point where the 'click-clack' of my heels were the loudest sound in the building.

Dallas had just been in an accident, a pretty bad one too.

He had been t-boned at an intersection by a guy under the influence on his way home from work.

My hands were trembling, we had two kids at home who were terrified.

Tilly, our eldest daughter was 14 while Margaret was 13.

"Dally!?" I gasped as a horrified expression took over my face.

My poor boy was hooked up to so many machines and was so beaten, bandaged, and bruised.

"Hey, Y/N. Man, are you a sight for sore eyes." He croaked out with a husky voice.

"Oh, baby..." I dropped down beside him and kneeled, begging for whoever or whatever controlled fate to let him be alright.

"I got a busted leg, arm, and head. My chest has been killing me too." He shifted uncomfortably, or tried to at least.

"Dal, what's going on? Why you? Why not some other guy? God, the girls are worried sick for you." My eyes watered while I watched him struggle to breathe.

"Sweetheart, come here. Get off of the dirty floor and into the bed, I want you here." Dally scooted over, allowing me to get into the bed with him and let him hold me as best as he could.

"Remember how I met you? At the DX while you were buying a snack and I was bothering you? Than was 1965." He sighed contently, I let him continue. "Then that same year I asked you to be my girl...And you said yes." I smiled at the memories he recalled. "Then in 1969 I asked you to marry me...Any you said yes." I hummed in response. "Then I got drafted into Vietnam and I asked if you'd wait for me...And you said yes." He smiled gently. "Then when I came back in 1972 we got married and I asked you if you wanted kids...And you said yes." He spoke hurriedly before His voice became a mix of melancholy and joy. "Then that same year we had Tilly, and then the next we had Margaret." He was now full on crying with me. "Listen, Y/N... I love you, you know I do. A-and tell the girls that too, that I love them. I changed for you and them. I haven't been in the cooler since 68' and that's a blessing." He rambled on.

"You can't die, Dally. You just can't! Not on me or them girls...Please!" I choked on my sons as I buried my face into the crook of his neck.

"Doll, I can't win. I've played all my cards in life...Besides, who wants to live forever?" He caressed my face gingerly.  "Just stay with me, alright? Please...This is the last time I'll ever ask you to do something for me, I promise." He calmly said.

I nodded my head and curled up, closer to him as he wrapped his arms around me as we both drifted off to sleep.

"I love you, Dallas."

"I love you, Y/N."

That morning Dallas didn't wake up.

Dallas Winston ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now