Keeping Up With The Curtis's pt.2

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"Shhhh, Soda please!" Y/N hissed pleadingly.

Y/N Curtis: "I. Swear. To. Fucking. God. I. Will. Kill. Him. If. He. Snitches.

Dallas looked at an angry Y/N, not even paying attention to the situation.

Dallas Winston: "Alright, I know I should be worried...But man, is Y/N hot when she's pissed. I think it's kinda turning me on..."

"Darry's already left for work, what's wrong?" Ponyboy entered the room, and looks at his sister and her lover. "OH MY GOD DALLY IS GROPING MY SISTER AND HAS A BONER!" Ponyboy shrieked at the top of his lungs out of pure horror.

"Dal's not hard what are you blabbing on abou- Oh for the love of God, Dal..." Y/N turns around and looked to see Dallas on the bed seeming very happy to see her.

Two-Bit and an odd acting Johnny now enter the house and look to see the commotion going on in the room, and are not really joking around despite Two-Bit being the jester of them all.

"Holy fuck, man. Is she okay after you two bang?" Two-Bit stared at Dallas in horror, while Ponyboy is silently crying in the corner.

Ponyboy Curtis: "He's killing my sister...His dick is killing my sister."

"Okay enough about his dick, unless if we're chopping it off for sleeping with my sister." Sodapop was surprisingly red with a sour expression and bubbling into a deep rage that threatened to unleash itself on his sister's boyfriend.

"Hey man, we didn't do nothing. She was all emotional about being grounded and I came over to help the gal out, take care of her, ya dig?" Dallas held his hands out in defence.

"Okay let me just say y'all are dramatic as fuck." Johnny spoke up in a slurred voice, somewhat trying to help the situation.

Johnny Cade: "Bitches start to fight but I *hiccup* gots enough to deal with at home with my asshole parents."

"Johnnycake, are you feeling decent?" Y/N walked over to Johnny who was up against the wall.

"He's drunk, the kid was blue about his folks being jackasses so I gave him some beer to cheer the guy up." Two-Bit explained.

"At 10:00 in the morning?" Ponyboy spat, flabbergasted.

Keith "Two-Bit" Matthews: "Okay so I know that beer in the morning is a little wonky, but hey, it works! And if you pansies don't agree you can suck my- yeah no that's Dal's line."

"Okay, I ghet ith. I may be drunk asth a skunk but these two are maade for eechofoer! And y'all are blind as fack. Stho leth them be togefer because it's meant to bee." Johnny drunkenly slurred out a proclamation.

Keith "Two-Bit" Matthews: "Okay we need more drunk Johnny let's be honest."

"I hate to say it...But he's right." Sodapop sighed in defeat.

"Wait, wait, wait, we're just gonna let our sister...Date Dallas!?" Y/N glared angrily at Ponyboy.

Y/N Curtis: "Pony shut the fuck up and stop being a cock-block."

"Yuh, ya gohta prablehm wiv taht?" Johnny put his hands on his hips sassily while snapping at Ponyboy.

"Johnnycake, I think you should lay down..." Dallas glanced at Johnny with heavy concern.

"Yeh okay juhst donth mak me an uncle too sthoon." Johnny wobbled out of the room with the rest of the boys following.

While everyone was walking out, Steve had just entered the room.

"So what'd I miss?" He nonchalantly stated with Dally and Y/N in each others arms.

"Get outta here, ya cockblock!" Dally threw a pillow at Steve's head while he quickly left the couple alone.

"Okay so...What's Darry gonna say?" Y/N pouted at the sudden thought of her brothers approval.

"Let me handle it, doll. You just relax, alright?" Dallas kissed her on the top of the head before the both of them re-assumed their cuddling positions in bed.

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