A Walk In The Park

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  I watched my little brother play cards with his friends while I stayed and watched over on a bench.

Our parents had forced me to watch them, since if we wanted to remain in the middle class and not 'poor' they had to work like dogs and leave me to babysit.

As much as I love my brother, I still wanted to have friends and hang out, maybe even get a boyfriend.

Everyday it was me who made and packed his lunch, walked him to school, helped him with his homework, supervised play dates, and hung out with him when he was bored.

Our parents were rarely around, always busy going away for work or working overtime and leaving me to slave away, and even go to parent teacher conferences.

I mean, barely even seventeen and practically parenting your brother since you were thirteen isn't a happy life.

Anyways, I was observing from afar when I saw three greaser boys approaching them.

The first one has dark greasy brown hair and was wearing a denim vest, and something that looked like chocolate coating the outside of his mouth.

The second one had swirly locks, a style done with hair oil and was wearing a grey muscle shirt with Mickey Mouse on it.

The third was the tallest, with wispy brown hair that was not greased at all and a brown leather jacket and a mean smirking expression.

Now don't get me wrong, I don't actually hate all greasers.

Hell, in school I even got a couple of greasy friends and family.

One of them is a close girlfriend, her name was Angela.

Angela Shepard was my close buddy who was a feared hood's little sister, Tim Shepard who was nothing like her; she was sweet and bubbly with a fiery personality that anyone who gave her a chance absolutely loved.

There were a few boys too, Ponyboy, Sodapop, Darry and Johnny.

Ponyboy was a few years younger but he lived nearly in another side of town but went to the same school.

We're even relatives, him being my second cousin along with his brothers Darry and Sodapop who are absolutely incredible people.

We were both chronic readers and he would sometimes take my brother in and look after him with Soda and Darry while I caught a break.

Johnny was a year younger, and someone who I
held dear to me.

I knew Johnny for a long time, his dad worked with my dad for a long time before my dad got a different job that payed better.

Some days, my dad would come home with Johnny and we'd have a little 'sleepover' for a while.

Although, those sleepovers were to take Johnny in when he got beaten to spare him from his parents.

Back to the three greasers and my brother and his friends, they approached the kids threateningly which gave me a sense of what can only be described closest to 'mama bear mode' but for sisters.

They began to tease them, mock them, to the point where the youngest one, Stan I think was near tears.

Of course I wasn't going to let those kids get hurt so I got off of my ass and stood in between the kids and the big boys.

"Excuse me, boys. I hate to be a bother but could you please leave my brother and his friends alone?" I huffed and placed my hands on my hips.

All of them laughed, but the Mickey Mouse guy seemed to have the sense to apologize.

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