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The whiskey clawed at my throat, burning me from the inside as I downed the shot poured for me.

"Holy hell man you can drink." Dallas widened his eyes at the sight of me drinking heavy liquor.

I simply scowled at him and tensed up at his body language, "Yeah. Yeah I can, do you have an issue with that?"

He shook his head, but wasn't defensive.

"Nah, just sayin' that you should cut down a smidge. Too much booze gets ya sick, kid."

"Last time I checked I wasn't a kid."

It was halfway true, I had turned seventeen a mere month ago and was sent to live with my cousin, Buck since my parents were travelling all over the place and were looking to move real soon.

Buck made good money, worked in rodeos, did side jobs, the family respected him.

Although when I lived with Buck I felt like the only considerably responsible person in that house.

The wild parties he'd throw had me negotiating with the boys in blues and the only reason why they left us alone is because the younger deputy that would come around fancied me.

That's not all, day and night I'd work like a dog scrubbing the house clean as a whistle only for it to be bombarded once more by the carefree partygoers.

"I'm just saying, you know. That booze really is taking its toll on you, makes it seem like you've been grown for about seventeen years I'd say." Dallas rambled on.

Another element of chaos.

I'd bail him out of jail when he'd get in if I could take enough money from Buck without him noticing.

Dallas wasn't always at the house though, only when he wanted to sleep, or drink, or party.

He never took any girls up, not that I know of.

But, he did contribute to the money.

He rode in rodeos, he'd make bets he knew he'd win, and Buck would collect the money made.

Or rather, I would.

He'd hand me two wads of cash and say to keep the bigger one for myself, but when I tried to I felt too bad about it and just handed it all away.

"And hey, if I ever catch you doing those street drugs I'll break your arm, you got that?" I must've zoned out.

"Yeah alright, I'm getting more whiskey." I reached for the whiskey bottle but Dallas jerked it out of my reach.

I furrowed my brow, obviously irritated.

"Why the hell are you downing whiskey like a sailor?" He scolded me.

"Because I can." I quickly grabbed ahold of the glass bottle and chugged the rest of the contents.

"Sweetheart, no." He was too late, too bad Dallas.

"You wanna know why I'm drinking? Because I'm not a child, I grew up faster than everyone else. I had to take care of myself since I was seven and now that I'm stuck with Buck I have to be his babysitter." I slurred my words and nearly toppled over in a drunken frenzy.

Dallas was quiet, he just looked at me with a look on his face that could only have been described as sympathetic.

"I think you've had too much to drink." He suddenly spoke up.

Before I could argue he scooped me up and carefully carried me through the swarm of people.

"Hey man, is she okay?" I heard Buck's voice.

So now you care, and I can smell the weed on you.

"Yeah, just tipsy. I'm taking her upstairs, let her sleep it off."

Wow I didn't know you were like that Dallas.

Although my body was limp and nearly unconscious my mind was still swimming with thoughts and unspoken words.

Dallas set me down gently in my bed and I managed to let out a groan of some sort that obviously displayed my discomfort.

"Jesus kid, you awake?" He chuckled and I felt the bed sink in beside me.

Next I felt two strong arms embrace me and the warmth of his body against mine.

"You know sweetheart, you're really one odd duck. I like that." Was the last thing I heard before dozing off.

Dallas Winston ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora