Hands Off

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The lights gleamed a sickening shade of red as I wiggled through the sweaty bodies while calling out for my cousin, Angela. She had taken me to one of Buck Merrill's wild house parties and I was too busy fighting off some drunken pervert to notice her slip off after one too many shots. I rounded a corner upstairs and accidentally bumped into someone. "Sorry!" I squeaked as I backed away from whoever I bumped into. I looked up to find a devilishly handsome brunette gazing down at me with an unreadable expression.

"Are you lost?" He eyed me up and down, taking notice to my tight sleeveless red dress that fell about mid thigh on me, my black kitten heels, and matching black clasp purse.

"Uh, no I'm looking for my cousin. Her name is Angela Shepard, have you seen her?" I looked into his deep brown eyes that burned into my own, then briefly glanced at his nearly feverishly pink lips then back into his eyes.

"So you're Angela's cousin?"He hooked his thumb through his blue jeans loophole while talking with me.

"Yeah, she dragged me here. Told me I'd like it, but if I'm being quite honest it's kinda lonely with me having to hound her down before she does something stupid when she's wasted." I sighed and looked down while shaking my head.

"Well, she's my buddy's sister so I'll help you look. She couldn't have gotten too far." He led me back downstairs and back into the swarm of people.

"Jesus it's packed." The boy muttered under his breath. I mumbled something about agreeing with him before I was harshly grabbed by the ass and hauled away as I screamed for whoever had a hold on me.

"Let me go, asshole!" I cried as some party animal attempted to pull me into a drunken kiss.

"Oh pretty baby, you're a feisty one. I like it when they fight back." His breath reeked of liquor and made my eyes water even more.

"Hey, man that ain't cool. Let the broad go." The boy who I was with jerked me away from his grasp while he barked out his words at the drunk.

"Winston, I'd say you're stupid. Why out of all of the chicks would you go for this one? Lemme have her, c'mon ." He made a grabby motion with his hands which made me visibly uncomfortable as I shivered at the sight of him.

"Uh hell no. I ain't pimping her out, now keep your hands off the lady, or I'll use my heater on you, and I mean it." My literal saviour ushered me away. "You okay?" He whispered into my ear.

"Uh huh. Thanks, uhhh..." I struggled trying to find the words to thank my knight in shining denim.

"It's Dallas, but you can call me Dally." He smirked and me as his arm managed to make its way around my shoulders. "And you're welcome, Ms?" He implied for my name.

"Y/n. Y/n L/n." I giggled at his actions, since he was wiggling his eyebrows and winking at me.

"Y/n, what are you doing?" I spun around to find my other cousin, Tim standing there flaming with an overprotective sense of anger.

"Oh, Tim. I was just looking for Angela, what are you doing here?" I shrunk into my place as Dally's arm remained wrapped around me.

"She called me to pick you guys up, now what are you doing bumming around with Dallas?" Tim's voice dangerously rose.

"He was helping me find Angela, he saved my ass too." I tried to explain to Tim before he blew up on us.

"Well, let's go then. Bye." He yanked my arm and began dragging me away from the party with me mouthing 'sorry' to Dally and him waving it off and shaking his head as if to say 'don't worry about it'. When I was thrown into Tim's car alongside a drunk and passed out Angela, I found my clasp purse unclipped and a note reading the words; Call me sometime -Dallas and his number scribbled down. I had a feeling that this was the beginning of something big.

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