Haircut (Draft)

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I was laying in bed while reading some book that Ponyboy recommended to me, when I noticed something. I watched Dally getting ready for bed and saw that his hair was getting pretty long.

"Dal, you need a haircut." I put a bookmark on my page before shutting my book.

"Man, I don't like haircuts." He groaned as he crawled under the sheets.

"I'm serious Mister. You're going to look like one of The Beetles if you don't have a trim." I laid down with him.

"No I won't, now stop nagging about it and go to sleep." Dally pulled me into his chest before dozing off.

——————- THE NEXT MONTH ———————

"Dally you're a hippie!" Two-Bit cackled maniacally as we entered the Curtis home.

"That's what I've been saying." I sighed while I held him back, preventing him from swinging at Two-Bit.

"She's right, Dallas. You need a haircut or you'll look like a bum." Darry lightly added.

Dally looked at all the eyes on him from the gang and to me before finally caving in and agreeing on getting a haircut.

"Fine." He muttered through gritted teeth.

I yanked him into the bathroom at the Curtis house and wet his hair before taking out a fine toothed comb and scissors.

"Now sit." I pointed to the spot in front of the tub.

I sat on the edge and began snipping away at Dally's hair, intricately cutting and shaping his hair into his regular cut.

"Where did you even learn how to cut hair?" Dally questioned as I began snipping off some side pieces.

"I give haircuts at school for five bucks a cut. Plus, I am the neighbourhood hair dresser if you didn't notice." I shrugged.

It was true, my mother was a hairdresser and I would watch her cut hair growing up.

Little did I know, in the neighbourhood I grew up in, the greasers would come to my mother and later on me for tuff haircuts.

Hell, I cut the gang's hair, the Shepard outlets hair, The Brumly Boys hair, and even a few other greasy hoodlums hair. I was basically the Greasers barber.

"Alright Dal, you're done." I got up and began cleaning up the trimmings of brown tufts of hair off of the floor.

"Eh, not too shabby. The way they cut your hair in jail is worse than anything you could do baby." He grinned at his reflection and saw that I didn't completely shave down his hair.

"Alright, now go show the boys." I sighed as I pecked his lips and playfully shoved him out of the bathroom.

"Hey y/n, can you cut my hair? It needs a trimming for sure." Johnny spoke up from the couch.

"Sure Johnny, come on." I waved him over as Dallas flaunted his tuff hair to Steve, who's own hair had been cut short due to an incident where his head caught fire from a Soc run in. Luckily, his hair was the only thing damaged, and his ego.

"Can I get one too?" Ponyboy called out.

"How about me? My sideburns are getting too damn long." Two-Bit pleaded.

"My hair could use a trim." Darry pondered aloud.

Soon everyone was begging me for a haircut, even Steve wanted me to even out his hair. So I guess you could say I was pretty busy for the entire afternoon.

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