Crazy On You

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I began to stir, my eyes fluttered open before slamming shut once more since the bright rays of the early morning light.

Groans of annoyance escaped my lips, until I felt someone shifting behind me.

My eyes shot open and I sat up to find out who was beside me in the unfamiliar bed I laid in.

There in all of his glory, was one of my brother's  best friends.

Dallas Winston was laying in the bed, shirtless.

"Holy shit." I whimpered, realizing that I was completely naked and he probably was too.

I must've been loud since he opened his eyes and began to fully wake up.

"Morning doll," He looked around as if trying to find out what was going on, "What happened?"

"I-I think..." I gestured towards the both of us, to which he noticed he was bottomless and topless and so was I.

"It's all coming back to me."  I gasped, mortified.

I felt my cheeks flush a bright red, and my hands clasp over my mouth.

"You're brother ain't gonna be too happy." He chuckled nervously.

"Oh my god it's all my fault, I must've been so drunk!" I panicked hysterically.

"Shh, hey, hey, it's not too bad. I mean, it ain't really your fault. I'll be honest with you, I actually kinda have some sort of a flame for you so if anything it's my fault." He held me as I hyperventilated into his chest.

"No, no, no. Don't say that! I'm at fault too, I got the hots for you too so it really was my fault." I protested.

Dally became still, and when I looked up at him he was grinning at me from ear to ear.

"You like me?" I sheepishly nodded my head.

"And I like you." He soothingly mused.

"Hell, this is the best day of my life." He hooted happily while still holding me.

"Does this make us official?" I tilted my head.

I realized how stupid I sounded, before Dally cheered triumphantly, "Only if you want it, sugar." He said.

"Though what do we tell my brother? He's gonna be like a bull in the ring of fire knowing that I'm crazy on you." I shivered slightly at the thought of angering my only brother.

"Aw c'mon man, Two-Bit ain't gonna be too mad. He's probably going to blow a fuse at first but he'll be fine."  He kissed my neck before getting up to put his underwear and pants on, then tossing my underwear and his shirt at me.

"Dally, what's the shirt for?" I giggled.

"Eh, keep it. It'll look better on you then it ever did on me." He waved me off.

"Oh, how thoughtful. What's next, you'll be all soft and sensual and romantic 24/7?" I gleefully giggled, he just playfully rolled his eyes and sighed.
"Yeah okay, let's cut the crap and tell your brother before all that happens and I get too sappy to fight back if he charges." Dally hoisted me up and walked me out of the room, then made us breakfast.

That boy really drives me crazy.

Dallas Winston ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now