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Christian stood at the elevator for a good 30 minutes hoping that his Anastasia would change her mind and turn around coming back to him, but no it doesn't happen. So know he finds himself in  emergency meeting with John Flynn who was just getting back from his family vacation.

"So Christian we can sit here all day in silence or you an tell me what is going on, why the urgency of needing to see me as soon as possible? I can honestly say with all do respect you are looking a little more miserable than usual."

Christian finally begin to tell John what has changed in his life the past month all from meeting a WSU student that went by the name of Anastasia Rose Steele.

"So let's make sure I heard you correctly. You for the first time in your life stepped out of your comfort zone a little and learn what a broken heart feel like."

"What broken heart? My heart isn't broken." Christian tells him.

"Christian it is not surprising that you don't realize or understand the feelings that you are experiencing. You need to see things from her side. She was a virgin, knew nothing of the BDSM lifestyle and has never suffered any kind of physical discipline."

"Then why the fuck tell me to show you what happens when you misbehave? Then not safe word when you know you can not take what I am dishing out?" He respond out of anger and frustration.

John shakes his head knowing how hard it is to get Christian to see things on someone else point of view. "Again Christian from her view, she is falling in love with you and you let her know that the only type of a relationship you're interested in is a Dom, Sub contractual one. You also tell her that you need to punish her. So Anastasia sees that this part is a deal breaker if she can't take it, so even if she did safe word in the end you ever using that belt on her again would be a no, no which again is a deal breaker for you."

Christian once again becomes silent, thinking about what John just said and how it does make sense. But at the same time he is hating the pain his heart is feeling right now.

John breaks the silence. "Christian you said Elena told you to go to Georgia if you felt that need of having to be with Anastasia so unavoidable. First let me say I  think she did that thinking Ana would have disapproved of the unexpected visit but I'm going to leave that alone at the moment because that a whole different type of conversation. But you went because of the feeling of missing as well wanting to fix a rift that you made having dinner with not just an ex but an ex Ana strongly disliked. If you didn't carry strong feelings that flight would have never happened. The only way you are going to move on from this is to first acknowledge the emotions you are having problems identifying."

"And what emotion is that John? Love?" Christian say after a slight chuckle.

"Yes Christian. If you can face the fact that you too have fallen in love with Ana just as she has fallen in love with you maybe there is a chance of winning her back."

"She fucking left John, she doesn't want me back."

"No she saw no way of being with you, but if you show her you are willing to try a relationship her way without needing to belt her, you may be given that second chance."

Christian began to really think what John was saying. Was he really in love with Ana? Could he really be in a relationship without punishment? Where is the harm of giving it a shot if he would get Ana back.

"Alright John, I'm a admit it here today that yes, I am in love with Ana and if giving up punishment is the only way of getting her back then so be it."

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