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Christian for the past few weeks has been unable to put full focus on winning back Ana due to dealing with and important merger that took him to Japan. He is finally back home stepping off his elevator he finds that his place is not empty.

"Hey Bro welcome home." Elliott greets him pulling him into a big bro hug.

"E what the hell are you doing here?"

"When Kate and I got back you had left for Japan. We walk in to her new place and find Ana in bed with Jose. What the fuck Bro?" Elliott has been trying to get some info from Ana,  or Jose but no one is really giving any good gossip, just the basics that it didn't work out not enough in common.

"Your telling me, but ya it's true Ana is at the moment with Jose."

"What do you mean at the moment man? What happen? I know this was your first thing with a chick in all, but man...."  

"Okay whatever E, just because I wasn't a man whore like you doesn't mean Ana was my first. You can remove that question look off your face because I'm not going there. But I will say our separation is not on Ana, it's on me. I fucked up, she left me."

"How did you fuck up?"

Christian knew he couldn't tell his brother the whole truth but still wanting to talk and surprisingly share with his brother. He was enjoying the brotherly bond he is building with him. "Ana told me she loved me and again I'm not going into details but she is not the only one that happen to confess their love for me, so I did what I always do and pushed her away. It only took for her to be gone a couple minutes for me to know I just made the biggest mistake. After talking to John, he confirmed it, letting me know my feeling for Ana are different from past females I have been intimate with. It was him that let me know that I had fallen in love with Ana."

"Dude if you think I'm not going to grill you on who else have you been with, you got another thing coming, but that a conversation for later. Right now  what I need to know is did you tell Ana how you feel?"

"Ya, but by that time she was already fucking the photographer."

"Bro....What are you going to do?"

"My plan is to win her back at the Ball this weekend, that bitch Jose a be there taking pictures and Ana will be participating in the first dance auction. I'm rich Bro, Jose don't got shit on me, she a be mine by the end of the night. Maybe even before then."

"You sure are a cocky son of a bitch and I have to admit I'm liking it."

"I thought you liked Jose?"

"I do. But your my brother and Ana is the reason I'm sitting here right now sharing a beer playing Grand theft. The brother relationship that I always wanted with you."

The two brothers grab a couple beers and talk it up all night.

Elliott let Christian know that he surprise himself knowing how much of a man whore he was, but once his eyes met Kate and they shared their first dance it was a wrap for him. He admitted she could be high strong, come off a little arrogant and nosey but she also is sweet, kind and generous.

 Christian know what his brother is hinting at and went with it up to a point.                

"Bro I can't believe all that you telling me. You know I was 16 when I became a man to Nancy, the chick on our block all the guys wanted. How old were you the first time?"

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