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It's been about a week since the biological father of her son had contacted her. When asked how did he get her info, her number is unlisted and there was no damn way Joseline would give it to him, he claimed he got it through the court system. Due to the fact that Christian was in the process of adopting Ted they were obligated to attempt to locate him, something she nor his family were able to do to inform him what was going on.


ALONZO: "My Little Red Robin, it's been too long.

RIHANNA: "Don't call me that. Talking about not speaking to me in so long, who's fault was that? Why are you calling me now?"

ALONZO: "It seems like even though you have landed yourself a personal bank, you need me."

RIHANNA: "Need you for what?"

ALONZO: "For that adoption you seek to achieve without a hitch it seems my willingness is needed."

RIHANNA: "Why would you drag us to court? You have never even met Ted, never wanted to be part of his life. I was raising him as a single mom never even went after you for child support."

ALONZO: "Speaking of support, I happen to be going through a rough patch. You help me out and I'll continue to not give a damn or I come get my son."

RIHANNA: "I will never let you take my son!"

ALONZO: "You can't stop me. He's legally mines if I suddenly wanted to be part of my kid's life, I'll get visitation and who knows maybe disappear again."

RIHANNA: "His money doesn't belong to me. I'm not rich, he is "

ALONZO: "Didn't give me that shit Robin! That man will do anything for that ass. I want 2 million, he's a fucking billionaire that's nothing to him. He probably wipes his ass with that 4 times a day, make it happen. Since your birthday is coming up I'll let you enjoy that, but I want my money a week after. Don't worry I'll be in touch. And don't try running I will always find you."


Rihanna couldn't stop crying after the that call and ended up going home early telling Christian that she didn't feel good. She didn't know what to do, Christian been so busy lately and she for some reason was scared to go to him with her problem. People already assumed she was only with Christian for the money, now she needs to ask him for 2 million dollars.


Coming home Rihanna checks her bank account, thinking to herself she hasn't had to really touch her's in awhile. Maybe he would except all of that and move on. Her eyes bulged out her head when she saw the balance.

"Christian, why is my account balance showing up as almost 11 million dollars?"

"Almost? Don't worry baby I'll fix that."

"Christian I'm being serious. We decided my account is for my fair earnings."

"It is. What I added is separate, you are stuck me so you need to get use to seeing that many zeros on the regular. How about we discuss everything over dinner, I want to talk about your birthday as well."

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